2019 Annual Report Now Available


The Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC) has released its 2019 Annual Report.

The 2019 Annual Report provides a high level overview of the LA BOSCOC’s activities and accomplishments in 2019, including selected performance outcomes and Continuum of Care (CoC) Program funding information.

If you would like to learn more about the LA BOSCOC, please visit our website and consider becoming a member (it’s free!).

If you would like to apply for CoC Program funding, you can read more about it here.

Report availability

Click here to download the LA BOSCOC 2019 Annual Report.

Physical copies will be mailed to select stakeholders (est. January 2020). If you are interested in receiving a physical copy, please contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at 225-242-1388 or glevine@lhc.la.gov.

Point in Time Count Registration Now Available


Every year in late January, every community in Louisiana conducts the Point in Time (PIT) Count: a sheltered and unsheltered count of every person experiencing homelessness. In the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), unsheltered counts are held in the cities of Baton Rouge, Houma, and Lake Charles.

Participating in the PIT Count is the most important thing you can do to help end homelessness in your community. Having an accurate count of the people experiencing homelessness is an essential part of how we:

  • Connect every person experiencing homelessness with shelter, housing, and services;

  • Educate to our lawmakers about homelessness, including the solutions we need to help everyone achieve permanent housing;

  • Advocate at the local, state, and national levels for the funding we need to serve the most vulnerable members of our communities.

This year, the PIT Count will be held on the evening of January 27.

You do not need any experience working in homeless services to volunteer.

With your help, we can end homelessness in our time.

Register to volunteer

Click here for more information about the PIT Count and to register to volunteer.


For more information, contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at glevine@lhc.la.gov or 225-242-1388.

Public Comment: New LA BOSCOC Website!


CoC staff have significantly revamped the LA BOSCOC website!

We are soliciting public comment, especially public comment focused on the following areas:

  • Does the website provide adequate, intuitive information for CoC member organizations, especially organizations receiving CoC Program or ESG funding?

  • Does the website provide adequate, intuitive information to prospective CoC members about the benefits of joining?

  • Does the website provide clear (i.e. accessible, linguistically appropriate) access to the Coordinated Entry System for people experiencing homelessness?

Click here to review the live, revised website.

How to provide public comment

Click here to submit comments to CoC staff.

Annual Call for CoC Membership


The Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC) is Louisiana’s largest coalition of organizations and people dedicated to ending homelessness. We serve more than 20 parishes, including East Baton Rouge, Calcasieu, and Terrebonne, and we have more than 100 member organizations, including most of the state’s largest housing and homeless services providers.

YOU are invited to become a member. Membership is free and carries no obligations.

Click here for more information about the LA BOSCOC, including which parishes we serve.

Membership Benefits

LA BOSCOC members enjoy the following benefits:

  • Funding Opportunities: LA BOSCOC members are the first to know about funding opportunities for organizations to create new housing and services for people experiencing homelessness.

  • Training and Technical Assistance: the LA BOSCOC provides a wealth of training opportunities (both individual and group) at no charge to members.

  • Shaping Local Policy: the LA BOSCOC creates local policies and procedures for programs serving people experiencing homelessness in your area. Members shape those policies and procedures by providing everything from new perspectives and input to actual policy language.

  • Data and Education: the LA BOSCOC is the primary assessor of data and trends related to homelessness in your area. Members can request everything from specific data points to group presentations from CoC staff.

Joining the LA BOSCOC

Click here to register as a member of the LA BOSCOC.

Membership is free and carries no obligations.

For more information about the LA BOSCOC or membership, email Gordon Levine at glevine@lhc.la.gov.

Welcome to New CoC Staff!


The Louisiana Housing Corporation is very pleased to welcome two new people to the CoC team: Carrie Patterson and Josh Dean!

Carrie comes with a wealth of experience serving people experiencing homelessness. She has worked for nearly ten years with programs providing transitional housing and permanent supportive housing funded by the CoC Program, HOPWA, and other funding sources.

Josh is an experienced professional from the world of higher education with a strong history of victims advocacy and addressing issues of food insecurity.

Click here for more information about your CoC staff.

Primary points of contact

Going forward, Gordon, Carrie, and Josh will serve as the CoC’s primary points of contact and technical assistance providers for the following Regions:

  • Baton Rouge: Gordon

  • Houma: Josh

  • Lake Charles: Carrie

  • Natchitoches/Sabine: Carrie

  • Plaquemines/St. Bernard: Josh

Aundrea and Clay will remain the primary points of contact for Coordinated Entry and HMIS respectively.

Other staffing changes

Vonetta Lacy has transitioned at the Louisiana Housing Corporation from her role with the CoC to a role focused on project implementation. Please take a moment to wish her good luck with her new programs!

Funding available: Safe Haven Low Barrier Shelter NOFA


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) has issued a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Safe Haven Low Barrier Shelters.

Click here to download the NOFA.

Applicants must submit a Letter of Intent to Apply. Letters of Intent are due Friday, November 15, 2019, by 4 PM CST.

The deadline for submitting applications to LHC is Friday, December 13, 2019, by 4 PM CST.


Purpose of the NOFA

The NOFA will fund “the development and operation of a low barrier shelter with supportive services and whose mission includes serving people experiencing homelessness […] The intent of this NOFA is to address the need for shelter in [East Baton Rouge Parish] due to an increased number of people experiencing homelessness.”

In the LA BOSCOC, this NOFA is restricted to funding activities in East Baton Rouge Parish.

Amount of funding

LHC will award up to $3,700,000 under this NOFA.

Applicant eligibility

Eligible applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Non-profit organization with a mission that includes people experiencing homelessness in East Baton Rouge Parish;

  • Must have at least three years of demonstrated experience serving people experiencing homelessness and demonstrated capacity to coordinate supportive services from external agencies;

  • Must have the capacity to partner with construction firms/development organizations for the purposes of this NOFA;

  • Must submit, as part of the application, written certification from the CoC stating that the project is an integral, strategic component of the CoC’s resource system;

    • NOTE: the LA BOSCOC will only issue written certifications to applicants who either (1) meet the CoC’s Good Standing requirements or (2) apply for and receive a waiver of Good Standing. For more information, see the “Good Standing” section below.

For more information about applicant eligibility, refer to section III.B of the NOFA.

Eligible activities


All projects must:

  • Be located in a facility;

  • Target primarily people experiencing chronic homelessness in an unsheltered location;

  • Provide 24-hour residence for an unspecified duration to eligible participants;

  • Provide private or semi-private accommodations to participants;

  • Serve no more than 50 participants;

  • Provide supportive services and service referrals to participants;

  • Prohibit the use of illegal drugs in the facility.

Projects may also provide for the common use of kitchen facilities, dining rooms, and bathrooms.

Eligible activities include:

  • Supportive services: supportive services, including case management, for up to 18 months to people experiencing chronic homelessness;

  • Acquisition: acquisition of property to be used for the project;

  • Construction; construction of property to be used for the project;

  • Rehabilitation and demolition; rehab/demolition of site to be used for the project;

  • Renovation: labor, materials, tools, and other costs for renovation, including major rehabilitation or conversation of a building into a Safe Haven shelter facility;

  • Shelter operations: maintenance, security, equipment, utilities, food, furnishings, and supplies necessary to operate the facility;

  • HMIS: the costs of contributing data to the LA BOSCOC’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), including hardware, equipment, technical support, data entry and analysis, monitoring, training, and reporting;

For more information about eligible activities, particularly details about acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation, refer to section III.C and III.D of the NOFA.

Good Standing


“Good Standing” is a qualification that the LA BOSCOC awards to organizations that have consistently participated in the CoC’s operations and self-governance.

Click here to learn more about the requirements and benefits of Good Standing.

Organizations in Good Standing

Click here to view the list of organizations currently in Good Standing. (The relevant information is on the “Membership” tab under Column E.)

Waivers of Good Standing

Organizations not currently in Good Standing can request a waiver for this NOFA. A waiver will allow that organization to receive written certification from the CoC even if they aren’t currently in Good Standing.

To apply for a waiver, submit a waiver request to Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at glevine@lhc.la.gov. The request must:

  • Be on organization letterhead signed by someone with signature authority;

  • Include detailed information about why the organization was unable to meet the Good Standing requirements.

Organizations who have belonged to the CoC for fewer than 12 months (i.e. whose first semiannual meeting was in 2019) will receive a waiver if they state that in their written request.

Timeline for waivers of Good Standing

Written requests for waivers of Good Standing must be submitted by Friday, November 22, at 4 PM.

Written Certification for this NOFA


To successfully apply for this NOFA, organizations must submit written certification from the LA BOSCOC stating that the project is an integral, strategic component of the CoC’s resource system.

To apply for written certification, submit a request to Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at glevine@lhc.la.gov. The request must:

  • Be on organization letterhead signed by someone with signature authority;

  • Include detailed information about the project, including where it will be located, its target population, how many people on a given night and in a year it will serve, availability of supportive services, and any other information the CoC might find valuable to making a determination.

Timeline for written certifications for this NOFA

Written requests for certification must be submitted by Friday, November 29, at 4 PM.


Questions about this NOFA can be submitted to LHC at wconnor@lhc.la.gov.

Questions about the LA BOSCOC’s interaction with this NOFA can be submitted to Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at glevine@lhc.la.gov.

Board Outcomes - November 7, 2019


The Board met in executive session by conference call on November 7, 2019, to discuss multiple organizations’ request for waivers of the Good Standing requirements.


Voting attendance

  • Winona Connor, Louisiana Housing Corporation (Louisiana Housing Corporation) (Chair)

  • Weston Schild, Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless (HMIS Lead)

  • Mariah Stidham Wineski, Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DV Seat)

  • Addie Duval, Start Corporation (Baton Rouge Region)

  • Brooke Guidry, Start Corporation (Houma Region)

  • Tarek Polite, Calcasieu Parish Police Jury (Lake Charles Region)

  • Gail Gowland, St. Bernard Battered Women’s Program (Plaquemines/St. Bernard Region)

Non-voting attendance

  • Gordon Levine, Louisiana Housing Corporation (Continuum of Care Manager)

  • Aundrea Braniff, Louisiana Housing Corporation (Acting Board Secretary)


Waivers of Good Standing

Two organizations, Gulf Coast Social Social Services and IRIS Domestic Violence Center, requested waivers of the Good Standing Requirement.

The Board voted unanimously to approve the waiver for Gulf Coast Social Services. (6 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining)

The Board voted unanimously to deny the waiver for IRIS Domestic Violence Center. (5 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstaining)

New Board Members


The LA BOSCOC is pleased to announced that Dylan Waguespack, Weston Schild, and Mariah Stidham Wineski have joined its Board.

Dylan, Weston, and Mariah will be filling designated seats; for more information about their roles, please refer to the LA BOSCOC’s Board list.

About the board members

Dylan Waguespack

Dylan Waguespack is the Public Policy and External Affairs Director at True Colors United, where he develops, directs, and implements their federal, state, and local administrative and legislative public policy agenda. Before joining True Colors United, Waguespack was a political communications and advocacy consultant working in Baton Rouge, La and Washington, D.C. His past clients include the National Center for Transgender Equality, American Civil Liberties Union, Center for Secure and Modern Elections, Louisiana Budget Project, and more.

Before opening his consulting firm, Waguespack served as Executive Director of Louisiana Progress, the progressive movement-building partnership where he started his career as an intern in 2011. While there, he drafted and successfully lobbied for a number of bills to expand opportunity for children, youth, and families impacted by homelessness, including protection from eviction for survivors of domestic abuse, expanded eligibility for child care assistance for families experiencing homelessness, and in-state tuition and campus housing for current and former homeless and foster youth in postsecondary education.

Waguespack is the Board President of Louisiana Trans Advocates, where he has served as a board member since 2011. He was appointed by Governor John Bel Edwards to serve on the Governor's Council on Homelessness from 2016-18, and he served on Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome's Transition Subcommittee on Human Services in 2016-17. Waguespack was appointed by the Louisiana Legislature to serve on the Legislative Task Force on Youth Aging Out of Foster Care in 2015, and was a key voice in advancing early conversations to extend the age of foster care to 21. He also currently serves as a member of the Advocacy Advisory Council for the Modern Military Association of America.

Weston Schild

Weston Schild is Executive Director of Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless and the Balance of State System Administrator for the Homeless Management System.  His expertise in data collection, management, and reporting makes him a frequently sought voice in understanding homelessness in South Louisiana.  As HMIS System Administrator he supervises a staff of four professionals and works to advance the provision of quality services for homeless and at-risk persons, improve data collection, educate the public, and promote responsive policies to prevent and end homelessness in South Louisiana.   

In addition, he coordinates service providers and supervises the One Stop Homeless Services Center in Baton Rouge. The One Stop houses 15 programs provided by ten non-profit agencies that address a range of barriers to securing permanent housing.  The One Stop provides respite and services for 75-100 homeless persons daily and serves 1800 clients annually.  Under Weston’s leadership the One Stop received the Louisiana Housing Corporation’s 2019 Community Connections Champion award for the state of Louisiana. 

Weston holds a Master of Divinity from Vanderbilt University and a Bachelors of Arts in Religious Studies from Centenary College of Louisiana.

Mariah Stidham Wineski

Mariah Stidham Wineski is the executive director of the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the statewide network of domestic violence advocacy organizations. Ms. Wineski has 15 years of experience working throughout the United States and internationally on social change campaigns and violence prevention.  She is the current chair of the Louisiana Domestic Violence Prevention Commission and previously served on the board of directors for Boulder Sister Cities. She also serves on the Victim Services Advisory Board of the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, the Membership Committee of the National Network to End Domestic Violence, and the advisory board of the Louisiana Violent Death Reporting System. Ms. Wineski has extensive experience leading legislative policy, public affairs, and media relations for domestic violence, sexual assault, and reproductive health organizations at the statewide and national levels. She has provided international consultation on educational policy and curriculum development, and has managed several regional gang violence prevention initiatives. She has a B.A. in Sociology and Women’s and Gender Studies from Louisiana State University and an M.S. in Sociology from Southeastern Louisiana University.

Recording secretary

In addition, Terry Hale has stepping down as the Board’s Recording Secretary, a non-voting position traditionally held by the executive assistant to the Director of Housing and Homeless Services at the Louisiana Housing Corporation. Terry has taken another position within the Corporation, and we wish her well in her exciting new role! The Corporation hopes to identify a new Recording Secretary by the end of 2019.

Published: Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures (v2.1) and Governance Charter (v4.1)



The LA BOSCOC has published its Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures (version 2.1) and Governance Charter (version 4.1).

The Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures define the policies and procedures related to intaking, assessing, and referring people experiencing homelessness to housing and services.

The Governance Charter defines the basic aspects and functions of the CoC, including its geography and governance structure.

Implementation of Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures

Projects required to implement these standards (see below) must do so immediately.

  • All CoC Program projects are required to implement these standards;

  • All ESG projects are required to implement these standards;

  • All other projects that serve people experiencing homelessness are strongly encouraged to implement these standards.


A full list of changes from the previous versions of each document can be found in their appendices.

Accessing the documents

Signed and searchable PDFs of each document can be found in the Policies and Procedures section of this site.

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week Dinner - November 28


Baton Rouge is recognizing Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week with a FREE Thanksgiving dinner for anyone experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness.

This event is sponsored by the Louisiana Housing Corporation, the Particular Council of St. Vincent de Paul of Baton Rouge, Raising Cane’s River Center, Holiday Helpers, and the Office of the Mayor-President of Baton Rouge.

For more information, please refer to this flyer — and please distribute it widely!


Date: November 28, 2019

Times and Locations:

  • St. Vincent de Paul — 11:30 AM to 1 PM — 220 St. Vincent de Paul Place

  • Raising Cane’s River Center — 11 AM to 2 PM — 275 South River Road

About Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week (HHAW) is an annual program where people come together across the country to draw attention to the problems of hunger and homelessness. Participating groups spend the week holding a series of educational, service, fundraising, and advocacy events. HHAW was first held at Villanova University in 1975. The LA BOSCOC began holding HHAW events in 2018.

For more information about HHAW, visit their website.

Now Hiring: Continuum of Care Coordinator


This position has been re-posted again to create a more inclusive applicant pool.

The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), as the collaborative applicant (“lead agency”) for the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), is hiring a Continuum of Care Coordinator to assist a broad range of organizations across Louisiana in developing high-quality projects dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness.

About this position

This position will…

  • Contribute in broad, lasting ways to ending homelessness in communities across Louisiana, including but not limited to Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Houma-Terrebonne, and their surrounding parishes;

  • Work with a variety of stakeholders, including homeless service providers, health providers, social justice advocates, law enforcement agencies, affordable housing and community development organizations, and local governments;

  • Become an expert on Federal, State, and local regulations, standards, and best practices related to funding and implementing housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness; and,

  • Become fluent in high-level systems related to homelessness, including community-wide mechanisms for participant intake/referral and housing project performance assessment.

The ideal candidate will have…

  • Professional experience working directly with people experiencing homelessness and/or managing projects that serve people experiencing homelessness, especially if that professional experience was funded by HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) or Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs;

  • A great capacity for taking initiative and working independently;

  • Great relationship-building skills;

  • A working knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Word and Excel;

  • Experience (professional, student, or ‘side project’) in data analysis and visual storytelling (i.e. presenting data in visually appealing, easy to understand ways); and,

  • A passion for public service and a drive to serve the greater good.

More information

Position details and how to apply

Visit https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/louisiana/jobs/2611380/housing-finance-specialist-1-2-3-coc-coordinator-102419?keywords=housing%20finance&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs

Exemptions from the civil service exam requirement

If you believe you qualify for an exemption from this position’s service service exam requirement, please ensure you attach the relevant supporting documentation to your application.

For example: if you qualify for the GPA exemption, attach a copy of your transcript verifying your GPA.


If you or someone you know is interested in applying and has questions, they can contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at 225-242-1388 or glevine@lhc.la.gov.

General Meeting Outcomes - October 22, 2019


The LA BOSCOC General Membership met for its second semiannual meeting of 2019 on October 22, 2019.

The agenda for the meeting can be found here.


Voting attendance

Voting attendance can be found on this spreadsheet on the General Meetings tab under the “October 2019” column.

Non-voting attendance

  • Gordon Levine, Louisiana Housing Corporation (Continuum of Care Manager)

  • Aundrea Braniff, Louisiana Housing Corporation (Coordinated Entry Specialst)

  • Clay Boykin, Louisiana Housing Corporation (HMIS Specialist)

  • Vonetta Lacy, Louisiana Housing Corporation (Continuum of Care Coordinator)



Governance Charter (version 4.1)

The General Membership voted by acclamation to adopt Governance Charter (version 4.1). The only substantive change was the creation of a designated Board seat for the Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Halloween Costumes and Candy

As part of the CoC’s commitment to high-quality data collection and assessment, attendees were polled about their Halloween costumes and favorite candy. CoC staff have aggregated that data; please find it below.

A surprising number of attendees have chosen to be exhausted for Halloween; CoC staff attribute this choice in part to NOFA season and are reconsidering their own costumes to match

A surprising number of attendees have chosen to be exhausted for Halloween; CoC staff attribute this choice in part to NOFA season and are reconsidering their own costumes to match

Chocolate-based candies had a predictably strong showing; peanut butter and nuts are also a favorite

Chocolate-based candies had a predictably strong showing; peanut butter and nuts are also a favorite

Next meeting

The next semiannual meeting of the LA BOSCOC General Membership will be in the first half of 2020; it is projected to dovetail with the statewide housing conference hosted by the Louisiana Housing Corporation in April 2020.

Final Agenda for October 2019 General Meeting


The LA BOSCOC has released the final agenda for the October 2019 General Meeting.

It has also released a draft of the LA BOSCOC Governance Charter (version 4.1), which will be discussed and called for a vote during the General Meeting.

Details about the Meeting

When: Tuesday, October 22, from 9 AM to noon CST

Where: webinar; CLICK HERE TO LOG IN, then follow the on-screen prompts to connect your audio

Who should attend: this meeting is open to the public; the LA BOSCOC strongly encourages at least one person from all homeless services organizations in Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, and Houma to attend

How do I register: there is no pre-registration; simply click the link above to access the webinar

Questions or comments?

If you have a question or comment, please contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at glevine@lhc.la.gov or 225-242-1388.

Published: Written Standards (Version 2.0)



The LA BOSCOC has published its Written Standards (Version 2.0).

The Written Standards provide community standards and guidance for delivering efficient, effective, and ethical housing and services to people experiencing homelessness and at risk of homelessness in the LA BOSCOC’s geography.


Projects required to implement these standards (see below) must do so no later than December 31, 2019.

All CoC Program projects are required to implement these standards.

All ESG projects are required to implement these standards.

All other projects that serve people experiencing homelessness are strongly encouraged to implement these standards.


A full list of changes from the previous version can be found in Appendix C, “Change Log.”

Accessing the document

Both a signed copy and a searchable PDF of this document can be found in the Policies and Procedures section of this site.

Now Hiring: Continuum of Care Coordinator


This position has been re-posted to broaden the applicant pool.

The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), as the collaborative applicant (“lead agency”) for the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), is hiring a Continuum of Care Coordinator to provide high-level assistance to a broad range of organizations across Louisiana that are working to prevent and end homelessness.

About this position

This position will…

  • Contribute in broad, lasting ways to ending homelessness in communities across Louisiana, including but not limited to Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Houma-Terrebonne, and their surrounding parishes;

  • Work with a variety of stakeholders, including homeless service providers, health providers, social justice advocates, law enforcement agencies, affordable housing and community development organizations, and local governments;

  • Become an expert on Federal, State, and local regulations, standards, and best practices related to funding and implementing housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness; and,

  • Become fluent in high-level systems related to homelessness, including community-wide mechanisms for participant intake/referral and housing project performance assessment.

The ideal candidate will have…

  • Professional experience working directly with people experiencing homelessness and/or managing projects that serve people experiencing homelessness, especially if that professional experience was funded by HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) or Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs;

  • Great relationship-building skills;

  • A working knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Word and Excel;

  • A high tolerance for complex situations – and an appetite for turning them into real, workable solutions;

  • Experience (professional, student, or ‘side project’) in data analysis and visual storytelling (i.e. presenting data in visually appealing, easy to understand ways); and,

  • A passion for public service and a drive to serve the greater good.

For more information or to apply

Visit: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/louisiana/jobs/2580443/housing-finance-specialist-1-2-3-coc-coordinator-092319?keywords=housing%20finance&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs


If you or someone you know is interested in applying and has questions, they can contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at 225-242-1388 or glevine@lhc.la.gov.

Written Standards Committee Outcome: Weeks of Sep 16 and Sep 24


The Written Standards Committee voted by Slack throughout the weeks of September 16 and September 24, 2019.



  • Edna Semar, ASSIST Agency

  • Chelsea McCoy, Empower 225

  • Todd Hamilton, O’Brien House

  • Sherl Turner, Options for Independence

  • Gail Gowland, St. Bernard Battered Women’s Program

  • Kelli Cunningham, Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government

Vote: Written Standards (Version 2.0)

The Written Standards Committed voted unanimously to submit the LA BOSCOC Written Standards (Version 2.0) to the Board for final review and approval.

Public Comment: FY 2019 CoC Consolidated Application


The LA BOSCOC is seeking public comment on its Consolidated Application to the Funding Year 2019 (FY 2019) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition.

The CoC Consolidated Application contains two parts:

  • The CoC Application, which includes narratives and other information about the CoC;

  • The CoC Priority Listing, which includes ranking and funding information about projects being submitted to the Competition.

Accessing the documents

The CoC Consolidated Application can be accessed as follows:

How to provide public comment

Please submit public comments by email to Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager.

Public comments will be accepted through 2 PM on Tuesday, September 24.

Public Comment: Written Standards (Version 2.0)



The LA BOSCOC is seeking public feedback on the revisions proposed in its Written Standards (Version 2.0).

The Written Standards guide projects that provide housing and services to people experiencing homelessness in the LA BOSCOC. They establish community-wide expectations, minimum standards for project quality, and transparency about fund expenditures.

All CoC Program and ESG projects are required to implement these Written Standards.

Certain items have been highlighted for specific attention. These items were highlighted because they are either a significant change from previous practices or will significantly impact one or more project types.


A full list of changes can be found in Appendix C, “Change Log.”

All CoC Program and ESG projects are impacted by these changes. The LA BOSCOC advises all providers to carefully review them.

Accessing the document

Click here to download the Written Standards (Version 2.0) draft.

How to provide public comment

Please submit public comments by email to Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, or Addie Duval, Written Standards Committee Chair.

Public comments will be accepted through 4 PM on September 18, 2019.

LA BOSCOC General Meeting - Tuesday, October 22, 9 AM to noon


The LA BOSCOC will hold a General Meeting of its full membership on October 22 from 9 AM to noon CST.

This meeting will be held via webinar.

Members will have the option to use their webcams during the webinar; however, webcams are not required to participate. There will be opportunities for members to participate via their keyboards and phones/microphones.

Note that all members are required to attend at least one General Meeting per year to remain in Good Standing. To determine whether your organization met this requirement by attending the April 2019 meeting, please refer to the LA BOSCOC Good Standing Committee and Attendance spreadsheet.


Date, time, location

When: Tuesday, October 22, from 9 AM to noon CST

Where: webinar; CLICK HERE TO LOG IN, then follow the on-screen prompts to connect your audio

Who should attend: this meeting is open to the public; the LA BOSCOC strongly encourages at least one person from all homeless services organizations in Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, and Houma to attend

How do I register: there is no pre-registration; simply click the link above to access the webinar

Proposed agenda

A final agenda will be distributed in advance of the call to the LA BOSCOC email list.

Items on the proposed agenda include:

  • FEATURED TRAINING: a presentation from Louisiana Trans Advocates about more effectively serving people who are LGBTQ+; Q&A to follow

  • The CoC Program NOFA: awards, project application strengths and areas for growth

  • Coordinated Entry and Diversion: what’s working, what isn’t, where we go from here

  • Policy Changes: what’s changed in the last six months with our Written Standards, Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures, and Homeless Emergency Plan

  • Technical Assistance: what topics should we aim for 2020?

  • Monitoring and Technical Assistance Process: what LHC plans for 2020

Questions, comments, agenda items?

If you have a question, a comment, or would like to submit an item for the agenda, please contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at glevine@lhc.la.gov or 225-242-1388.

FY 2019 CoC Program Local Competition - New and Renewal Projects Selected


The LA BOSCOC has selected all new and renewal projects to be included in its consolidated application to HUD’s FY 2019 CoC Program Competition.

The Scoring Committee met on Wednesday, September 4, to score, rank, and select projects. This process was conducted according to the Project Rating, Ranking, and Selection Process as approved by the Board. The Scoring Committee submitted its unanimous recommendation for project ranking and selection to the Board that day.

The Board voted by email on Thursday, September 5 on the Scoring Committee’s project ranking and selection. The Board voted unanimously to accept the Scoring Committee’s project ranking and selection as written.

New project funding

Eight projects were submitted for consideration. Three were selected. They were (in alphabetical order):

  • The Education and Treatment Council’s “Rapid Re-Housing” project, which on an annual basis will provide short- to medium-term rental assistance and supportive services via the Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) project type to at least 54 youth (aged 24 and under) and people living in youth-headed households in the Lake Charles Region;

  • The Haven’s “DV-RRH” project, which on an annual basis will provide short- to medium-term rental assistance and supportive services via the RRH project type to at least 50 people fleeing domestic violence in the Houma Region;

  • Youth Oasis’s “TH-RRH” project, which on an annual basis will provide both transitional housing and short- to medium-term rental assistance and supportive services via the innovative new Joint Transitional-Rapid Re-Housing (TH-RRH) project type to 20 youth and people living in youth-headed households in the Baton Rouge Region.

On behalf of the Scoring Committee, CoC staff would like to extend their deep appreciation to all eight project applicants. The CoC Program project application process can be challenging, and we are profoundly grateful to have so many organizations in our CoC with the interest, investment, and dedication to ending homelessness required to engage that process.

Renewal project funding

All projects that requested renewal funding were selected to receive full funding for those requests.

Project feedback

As in previous years and once time allows, CoC staff will provide each applicant with a comprehensive breakdown and assessment of each of their new and renewal projects’ scores.

CoC staff hope that applicants whose new projects were not selected for inclusion will use these assessments to refine their project applications for resubmission in future years.

Project ranking

The LA BOSCOC’s project ranking for the FY 2019 CoC Program Competition can be found here.