
Every year in January, the LA BOSCOC conducts a Point in Time (PIT) Count. Part census and part outreach event, the PIT Count is both an opportunity to connect outreach workers with people experiencing literal homelessness and to count how many people are experiencing homelessness on a single night in the LA BOSCOC.

The LA BOSCOC conducted its FY 2023 PIT Count throughout the week of January 23, 2023.

The PIT Count covers all five of the LA BOSCOC’s Regions to the extent possible given the local population, geography, and CoC membership.

Beginning in January 2018, the LA BOSCOC has published a data visualization of its PIT Count outcomes. The January 2023 version of the data visualization can be found below.

The PIT Count is intended to be the beginning of conversations about homeless, not the final word. It is limited by time (it represents only one night in January), by outreach capacity, and by the willingness and capacity of each person experiencing homelessness to accurately and completely respond to the PIT Count outreach workers.

January 2023 PIT Count Data