LA BOSCOC General Meeting (Webinar): October 9


The next LA BOSCOC General Meeting will held on October 9 from 10 AM to noon CST. As part of our ongoing efforts to make LA BOSCOC meetings more accessible across the CoC's geography, this General Meeting will, for the first time, be held as a webinar.

Members will not be requested to use webcameras during this webinar. There will be opportunities for members to submit questions/comments and participate in discussions via their keyboards or their microphones/headsets/telephones.

As with all General Meetings, this General Meeting will count toward your organization's Good Standing requirements.


  • Who: Open to the public; organizations in the LA BOSCOC that are/wish to be funded by the CoC Program or ESG must attend 3 out of 4 quarterly General Meetings per year
  • When: Tuesday, October 9, from 10 AM to noon CST
  • Where: Webinar: log in here, then follow the prompts on screen to connect your audio:
  • How do I Register?: There is no registration process; just open the link during the LA BOSCOC General Meeting to attend!
  • How do I Get Good Standing Credit for Attending?: The Continuum of Care Manager will call roll during the webinar.

Proposed Agenda

A final agenda will be distributed in advance of the call to the LA BOSCOC email list.

Items on the proposed agenda include:

  • CoC Program NOFA: what we learned, what we hope to do next year, overview of project application scoring and ranking
  • Roadmap for 2018-19: the CoC's priorities for the next 12 months (member participation very much encouraged!)
  • Coordinated Entry: what's working, what isn't, and plans to improve the Coordinated Entry System

Questions, Comments, Suggestions?

If you have a question/comment or would like to submit an item for the agenda, please contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at or 225-242-1388.

FY18 State ESG NOFA - Question II.A.1


The FY18 State ESG NOFA asks (under II.A.1, Proposal Narrative Instructions - General Narrative):

1. Identify any performance objectives that are tracked within your CoC that you can apply to the proposed projects set forth.

2. Describe your CoC's strategic planning goals and objectives. How will ESG funds be used to support those efforts?

Regional applicants for State ESG in the LA BOSCOC are encouraged to use the following information as a starting point to address these elements.

Performance Objectives

The LA BOSCOC's performance objectives are codified in two places: (1) its Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures and (2) its CoC Program Scoring Tool Detailed Instructions.

Coordinated Entry

The LA BOSCOC's Coordinated Entry System (CES)'s performance objectives are to make homelessness:

  • Rare: every year, first time homelessness from all sources except natural disasters will decline by 10% from the previous year;
  • Brief: mean length of time (LOT) homeless will be 20 days or fewer, AND every year, mean LOT homeless will decline 10% from the previous year;
  • Non-Recurring: in a given year, returns to homelessness from permanent housing (i.e. returns to homelessness within 24 months) will be 10% or fewer AND returns to homelessness within 12 months will be 5% or fewer.

These objectives are intentionally aspirational and based on national standards for high-performing communities.

CoC Program Scoring Tools Detailed Instructions

The LA BOSCOC's Scoring Tools Detailed Instructions outlines the LA BOSCOC's metrics for assessing its funded CoC Program projects and defines performance objectives for each metric. These metrics were chosen because they underpin the success of both individual projects and the CoC as a whole in ending homelessness.

They are:

  • % of Participants Exiting to or Maintaining Permanent Housing: to receive full points, a project must ensure 90% of its participants exit to/maintain permanent housing -- OR, if the project serves victims of domestic violence, ensure 80% of its participants exit to/maintain permanent housing.
  • % of Participants Exiting to Shelter/Streets/Unknown: to receive full points, a project must ensure it exits 5% or fewer of its participants to emergency shelter, to the streets, or to an unknown location.
  • % of Participants Who Increased Employment Income at Exit: to receive full points, a project must ensure 25% of more of its participants increased their employment income at exit.
  • % of Participants Who Increased Non-Employment Income at Exit: to receive full points, a project must ensure 25% of more of its participants increased their non-employment income at exit.
  • % of Participants Who Had Non-Cash Benefits at Exit: to receive full points, a project must ensure 25% of more of its participants was receiving 1 or more non-cash benefits at exit.
  • Utilization Rate: to receive full points, projects must have a bed utilization rate of 90% or higher on the date of the most recent Housing Inventory Count (HIC).

LA BOSCOC Board Votes - Week of 8/30/18


The Board voted by email during the week of August 30, 2018 on the following issues related to the FY18 State ESG NOFA:

  • Good Standing waivers for all organizations that provided sufficient justification (approved 8-0);
  • Good Standing waivers for all organizations that did not provide sufficient justification, including those that provided no justification or did not apply in the specified form and/or timeframe (denied 0-5);
  • Using Good Standing waivers from the FY18 State ESG NOFA to fulfill the same criteria for the FY18 CoC Program RFP (approved 5-0).

Voting Corpus

  • Nicole Sweazy, Louisiana Housing Authority (chair)
  • Antiqua Hunter, Louisiana Department of Education
  • Eric Gammons, HMIS Lead
  • Addie Duval, Baton Rouge
  • Brooke Guidry, Houma
  • Tarek Polite, Lake Charles
  • Mitzi Harris, Natchitoches/Sabine
  • Gail Gowland, Plaquemines/St. Bernard

St. Vincent de Paul of Baton Rouge is Hiring


St. Vincent de Paul of Baton Rouge is hiring a Director Shelter/Residential Services. For more information, including how to apply, please see the posting below.

Please note that this position is not affiliated with the Louisiana Housing Corporation. 

Position Description: Director Shelter/Residential Services

This position provides leadership and management for all of the Shelter/Residential programs, including night and day homeless shelters and housing programs.  Responsible for the programming and services, community relationships, staff leadership, building safety and maintenance, client services, and program development. Collaborates with all agency staff to provide direction to program services and community linkages.  Provide boots-on-the-ground management, client service supervision, program and staff leadership and community linkages in delivering excellent service for homeless and at-risk clients and guests.


Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university/college, 5 years of social services experience or 5 years of applicable business management experience.  Ability to work with at-risk populations. 

MSW, LCSW preferred

HMIS knowledge preferred or Management Information Systems experience

Class E Driver’s License


Email resume to Debra Blacher at or fax resume to 225-325-8954

St. Vincent de Paul is an equal opportunity employer.


HMIS Comparable Databases Policy


Most projects funded by the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program, the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program, and certain other funding sources that fund activities for people experiencing homelessness are required to record and maintain their participants' data in ServicePoint, the LA BOSCOC's designated HMIS.

Victim services providers and legal services providers are exempt from the above requirement. Instead, they are each required to establish and operate a comparable database that complies with HUD's HMIS requirements.

Victim Services Providers

Victim services providers that are funded by the CoC Program are required to use EmpowerDB as their HMIS-comparable database.

Certain other funding sources, including the ESG Program as funded by the Louisiana Housing Corporation, may require victim services providers to use EmpowerDB as their HMIS-comparable database. Please check with your program managers for more information.

Legal Services Providers

Legal services providers that are funded by the CoC Program are not required to use a specific database as their HMIS-comparable database.

More Information

For more information, including implementation timeline requirements, please refer to the actual policy as posted on the Members section of the LA BOSCOC website.

Housing Choice Vouchers and Public Housing Waitlists Open in Baton Rouge


The Housing Authority of East Baton Rouge Parish and the City of Baton Rouge's Office of Community Development are opening their waiting lists for the following programs during the following time periods:

  • Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV, also called Section 8): opens July 23, 2018 at 8 AM and closes the same day at noon;
  • Public Housing Program: opens July 23, 2018 at 12:01 AM and closes July 24, 2018 at 11:59 PM.


For more information about these programs and to access their online applications once those applications are released, please visit

One Stop Computer Lab is Available for Applications

The One Stop (Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless) computer lab will be available on July 23-24 to people interested in applying to the HCV and Public Housing Programs. There are no reservations required. The One Stop expects many people will be interested in these resources and encourages applicants to arrive early and plan to wait, especially on the morning of July 23. Staff will be available on-site on July 23 to help applicants navigate the application process. Doors open at 8 AM.

The One Stop is located at:

153 N. 17th Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

FY18 CoC Program RFP Webinar

The LA BOSCOC is hosting a webinar about the FY18 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Request for Proposals (RFP) from 11 AM to 12:30 PM this Friday, July 20.

It will provide an overview of the RFP, including the different funding pools, eligible activities, and some tips and tricks for creating high quality project applications. There will also be a Q&A session at the end.  

Please register using the following link:

FY18 State ESG - Baton Rouge Request for Proposals and Application

St. Vincent de Paul of Baton Rouge, as the FY18 State ESG regional applicant for the Baton Rouge Region, has released its Request for Proposals (RFP) and application for State ESG funds.

You can find the RFP and application here:

Applications to the Baton Rouge Region's RFP are due July 30, 2018.

LA BOSCOC Board Outcomes - 7/11/18


The Board met by phone on 7/11/18 to review and approve the Request for Proposals (RFP) and scoring tools for the Funding Year 2018 (FY18) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition. It also voted to approve an HMIS-comparable database for projects that serve victims of domestic violence and to approve opening a limited set of HMIS data to the other CoCs in the State of Louisiana.


  • Nicole Sweazy, Louisiana Housing Corporation
  • Eric Gammons, HMIS Lead
  • Homeless Experience Representative
  • Brooke Guidry, Houma
  • Tarek Polite, Lake Charles
  • Gail Gowland, Plaquemines/St. Bernard
  • Randy Nichols, Membership and Rules Committee (non-voting)
  • Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager (non-voting)
  • Clay Boykin, HMIS Specialist (non-voting)

FY18 CoC Program Competition

The Board voted to approve the RFP and all other documents posted here:

The Board also voted to approve up to $100,000 in funding for a Coordinated Entry (SSO-CES) project hosted by St. Bernard Battered Women's Program, which for the last year has served as the sole Coordinated Entry access point in the Plaquemines/St. Bernard Region and the sole Coordinated Entry access point operated by a domestic violence (DV) service provider. These funds will be made available from the LA BOSCOC's total DV Bonus amount of $466,959, and any funds not claimed by this project will be added to the LA BOSCOC's competitive DV Funding Pool of $366,959 as described on Page 5 of the RFP.

HMIS-Comparable Database for DV Providers

DV service providers funded by the CoC Program, the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program, and by certain other funding sources are required to use an HMIS-comparable database instead of HMIS (ServicePoint).

The Board has approved the Domestic Violence Service Providers Working Group's proposal that the LA BOSCOC require that DV service providers use EmpowerDB as their HMIS-comparable database. This requirement will go into effect January 1, 2019, and will be retroactive for all participant data collected during contract periods beginning before January 1, 2019 and extending into January 1, 2019.

The LA BOSCOC will release a formal policy to this effect once the language has been vetted by the chairs of the HMIS Committee and Domestic Violence Service Providers Working Group.

You can find more information about EmpowerDB here:

HMIS Data Visibility

The Board has voted to make certain HMIS data elements visible to all other CoCs in the State of Louisiana.

This change was proposed during the most recent statewide Homelessness Working Group meeting. Currently, a given participant's data is only visible to organizations within the CoC where they presented for services. If a participant traveled to another part of the State, they would be required to provide their information again, and the new CoC would be unable to view the housing and services that participant had previously received. 

The representatives of each CoC that was present at the Homelessness Working Group meeting agreed to propose to their Boards that the following data elements from their CoC's participants be made visible to other Louisiana CoCs:

  • Participants' first and last name
  • Last four digits of participants' social security number
  • Entry and exit dates for participants' HMIS service transactions

All participant data will continue to be protected by HMIS releases of information and confidentiality agreements, which are implemented statewide by the Louisiana Services Network Data Consortium and are identical for all Louisiana CoCs.

Nationwide Analysis of Homelessness from DataLab

DataLab, a program of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, has published a fascinating and comprehensive nationwide analysis of homelessness.

If you're curious about homelessness on either the national or local scale -- it has a lot of valuable information about Louisiana and the LA BOSCOC! -- you might consider spending some time reviewing DataLab's polished, easy-to-navigate data sets.

You can find the analysis here:

Plaquemines/St. Bernard - Request for Proposals for FY18 State ESG


Below, please find the Houma Region's announcement of its request for proposals (RFP) for State Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding for Funding Year 2018 (FY18)

Notice of Request for Proposals

St. Bernard Battered Women’s Program, Inc., as the regional applicant for the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care, St. Bernard/Plaquemine region, is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a homeless services grant as part of a collaborative application with SBBWP for a State ESG Homeless Services grant.

RFP packages will be posted and available for download on the website on Monday, July 16, 2018.

Consideration for project funding under the Regional Applicant Plan will require submittal of a completed RFP package by July 30, 2018 at 4:30 PM.

HMIS Compliance Certification - State ESG FY18

LA BOSCOC projects that are applying to receive funding under the State Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program for Funding Year 2018 (FY18) are required to submit an HMIS Compliance Certification from the LA BOSCOC.

This requirement applies to ALL projects applying for funding: both Regional Applicants AND their sub-recipients.

To request an HMIS Compliance Certification for your project, including to certify that your project will begin using HMIS before the project period starts, please use the following form:

All HMIS Compliance Certification requests are due by 4 PM on Tuesday, July 31. 

The LA BOSCOC will issue all HMIS Compliance Certification no later than 4 PM on Friday, August 17.

Houma Region - Request for Proposals for FY18 State ESG


Below, please find the Houma Region's announcement of its request for proposals (RFP) for State Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding for Funding Year 2018 (FY18)

Notice of Request for Proposals

Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government intends to apply for 2018 State Emergency Solutions Grants Program (ESGP) funds administered by the Louisiana Housing Corporation. Funding available under the Emergency Solutions Grants Program can be utilized for the payment of certain expenses related to operating emergency shelters; street outreach for the homeless; homelessness prevention; rapid re-housing assistance; Homeless Information Management Systems (HMIS); and administrative cost. 

Applicants for grants under the State ESGP are limited to units of local government or one regional collaborative applicant from a Continuum of Care agency, which may distribute all or part of their grant amount to private nonprofit organizations for use in eligible program activities.  Nonprofit organizations interested in developing a project proposal for possible inclusion in an ESGP funding application under consideration by the Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government may request a copy of the proposal materials by contacting:

Kelli Cunningham
Community Development Administrator
(985) 873-6591

To qualify for funding participation, a private nonprofit organization as defined by program regulations must be one which is exempt from taxation under subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code, has an accounting system, a voluntary board and practices nondiscrimination in the provision of assistance.  Matching funds (including in-kind contributions) equal to the amount of grant funds must be provided except under special circumstances when an exemption can be allowed.  Program rules require that ESGP recipients involve, to the maximum extent practicable, homeless individuals and families in ESGP funded activities including constructing, renovating, maintaining, and operating facilities assisted under the ESGP Program; and in providing services for occupants of these facilities.

No funding obligations shall be implied based on the information in this solicitation of ESGP project proposals.  The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government reserves the right to accept any proposal or reject any and all proposals on such a basis as may be deemed to be in its best interest.  The deadline for receipt and consideration of a proposal is 4:00 PM, July 27, 2018. 

Members in Good Standing

Going forward, the LA BOSCOC will maintain a public list of member organizations in Good Standing.

Members in Good Standing can apply for Letters of Certification to apply for funding from a variety of sources, including the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program.

The current list of members of Good Standing can be found here:

As always, members that are not in Good Standing can still apply for Letters of Certification if they request and receive a waiver. Waiver request procedures are defined in the LA BOSCOC Governance Charter and can be further defined for specific funding sources; in general, however, waiver requests must be submitted electronically to

Letters of Certification - State ESG FY18

LA BOSCOC agencies that are applying to receive funding under the State Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program for Funding Year 2018 (FY18) are required to submit a Letter of Certification from the LA BOSCOC.

This requirement applies to ALL agencies applying for funding: both Regional Applicants AND their sub-recipients.

To request a Letter of Certification for your agency, or to request a Good Standing waiver for your agency, please use the following form:

All Letter of Certification requests are due by 4 PM on Tuesday, July 31. 

The LA BOSCOC will issue all Letters of Certification no later than 4 PM on Friday, August 17.


Baton Rouge Region - Public Meeting and RFP for FY18 State ESG


Below, please find the Baton Rouge Region's announcement of its public meeting and request for proposals for State Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding for Funding Year 2018 (FY18)

Notice of Public Meeting

St. Vincent de Paul of Baton Rouge (SVDP) announces a public meeting to consult with the public on priorities for the most urgent community needs for the homeless for the forthcoming 2018 regional applicant plan. This meeting is part of the SVDP response to the Louisiana Housing Corporation Request for Proposals for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) services in the Baton Rouge region. SVDP also invites the public to send comments by email to  Public Meeting: Monday July 9, 2018, 6-7:30 PM at the Carver Branch Public Library 720 Terrace Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70802.

Notice of Request for Proposals

St. Vincent de Paul of Baton Rouge, as the regional applicant for the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care, Baton Rouge region, is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a homeless services grant as part of a collaborative application with SVDP for a State ESG Homeless Services grant. Request for Proposals (RFP) packages will be posted and available for download on the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Baton Rouge website at  on Monday July 16, 2018. Consideration for project funding under the Regional Applicant Plan will require submittal of a completed RFP package by July 30, 2018 at 4:30 PM.


FY18 CoC Program NOFA Now Available

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released the Funding Year 2018 (FY18) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA).

You can read the NOFA, including “a full list of new, changed, and highlighted information,” here:

The LA BOSCOC will release details about its local competition for these funds over the next few weeks. 

If you have questions about the CoC Program NOFA, please contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at

Substance Abuse Providers Working Group

During its last General Meeting, the LA BOSCOC voted to create the Substance Abuse Providers Working Group. Please see the message below from Twanda Laurant-Lewis, Executive Director of the Louisiana Health and Rehab Center, who volunteered to facilitate the working group:

If you are interested in becoming a member of this working group, please contact me at The first working group meeting will be held via conference call on July 11, 2018, at 10 AM CST. Thanks in advance for your willingness to serve.

As noted, if you or someone in your organization is interested in serving on the Substance Abuse Providers Working Group, please contact Twanda at