Board of Directors Updated


The LA BOSCOC Governance Charter (v3.4) created the Natchitoches/Sabine Region and a new regional seat on the Board of Directors.

As there were no members present from that Region at the LA BOSCOC General Meeting in June 2018, the LA BOSCOC has appointed Mitzi Harris, executive director of Project Celebration, to fill that Region's seat. 

As with all regional representatives, Mx. Harris will serve a 24-month term.

LA BOSCOC Governance Charter Updated


The LA BOSCOC Governance Charter has been updated to version 3.4. You can download a copy here.


Created the Regional Applicants Section

  • Each Region can elect a Regional Applicant to apply to funding sources that require a limited number of applications from each Region (for example: ESG, PATH);

Created the Letter of Certification Section

  • Specifies when (and for what reason) organizations can request a Letter of Certification to apply for various funding sources;
  • Specifies when (and for what reasons) organizations can request a waiver from the Good Standing requirement (organizations cannot receive a Letter of Certification if they are not in Good Standing).

Empowered the Board of Directors to create additional Good Standing requirements

  • The Board can now create additional Good Standing requirements without needing to amend the LA BOSCOC Governance Charter

Emergency Solutions Grant Funding Now Available


The Louisiana Housing Corporation has released the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for Funding Year 2018 (FY18).

ESG funds projects that serve people experiencing homelessness. ESG is an annual formula-based funding source distributed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to states and certain entitlement areas.

Click here to access the full ESG FY18 NOFA.

The application period began June 5, 2018; applications are due August 31, 2018.

What does ESG fund?

ESG funds the following project types:

  • Street Outreach
  • Homeless Prevention
  • Emergency Shelter
  • Rapid Re-housing

For more information about these project types and eligible costs, refer to 24 CFR Part 576 or

How much funding is available?

Funding is allocated by formula to each Continuum of Care (CoC) in Louisiana, and to each Region of the LA BOSCOC. Each CoC and Region receives funding in proportion to the size of its homeless population. (Homeless population is reported during the January 2018 Point in Time Count.) All CoCs/Regions are eligible to apply for at least $50,000 regardless of their homeless population.

ESG funding by LA BOSCOC Region is as follows:

  • Baton Rouge Region: $148,430
  • Houma Region: $50,000
  • Lake Charles Region: $67,697
  • Natchitoches/Sabine Region: $50,000
  • Plaquemines/St. Bernard Region: $50,000

In addition, the Louisiana Housing Corporation is offering a $300,000 grant to fund one Homeless Prevention project dedicated to reducing the number of people who exit Department of Corrections custody into homelessness. For more information, see page 20 of the ESG FY18 NOFA.

Who can apply?

Each Region will submit one Regional Application through its Regional Applicant. Regional Applicants will consist of one or more project applications that fund one or more organizations.

Regional Applicants were elected by member organizations in attendance at the June 2018 LA BOSCOC General Meeting. They are as follows:

  • Baton Rouge Region: St. Vincent de Paul of Baton Rouge (contact: SVDP BR)
  • Houma Region: Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government (contact: Kelli Cunningham)
  • Lake Charles Region: Calcasieu Parish Police Jury (contact: Tarek Polite)
  • Natchitoches/Sabine: Project Celebration (contact: Mitzi Harris)
  • Plaquemines/St. Bernard: St. Bernard Battered Women's Place (contact: Gail Gowland)

Both private non-profit organizations and units of local government, including cities and parish governments, are eligible to apply. Please contact your Regional Applicant if you would like to receive funding through the ESG FY18 NOFA.

Every agency that wishes to receive ESG -- either as a regional applicant or sub-recipient -- is required to attend the following information session:

ESG Mandatory Information Session
June 27, 2018
9:30 AM to Noon

Louisiana Housing Corporation
2415 Quail Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

If you plan to attend the information session, please send your RSVP to Aimee LeBlanc at


Please email your questions about the ESG FY18 NOFA to Winona Connor, ESG Program Manager at the Louisiana Housing Corporation, at

Welcome to the new LA BOSCOC website!

What is the LA BOSCOC?

The Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC) is a coalition of people and homeless & service providers dedicated to ending homelessness in Louisiana.

Our collaborative applicant (lead agency) is the Louisiana Housing Corporation. Our Louisiana Housing Corporation team does lots of things: we're a funding source through HUD's Continuum of Care Program, we write regulations and policies for housing and & service providers that serve people experiencing homelessness, we provide technical assistance and training, and much more (including running this website!)

What is this blog for?

In the past, the LA BOSCOC distributed information to its mailing list on an as-needed basis -- and it turned we needed to distribute a lot of information.

You asked us to send less email, so we created the BOS Blog.

Throughout the week, we'll post updates to the BOS Blog. Once a week, we'll send one email to the LA BOSCOC Mailing List with all our posts that aren't time sensitive. (Don't worry: we'll still email you right away with anything that won't keep.)

Questions, comments?

If you've got something you'd like to see on the BOS Blog, let us know! The LA BOSCOC is a coalition, and it doesn't work for anybody unless everybody participates. We look forward to hearing from you!