The FY18 State ESG NOFA asks (under II.A.1, Proposal Narrative Instructions - General Narrative):
1. Identify any performance objectives that are tracked within your CoC that you can apply to the proposed projects set forth.
2. Describe your CoC's strategic planning goals and objectives. How will ESG funds be used to support those efforts?
Regional applicants for State ESG in the LA BOSCOC are encouraged to use the following information as a starting point to address these elements.
Performance Objectives
The LA BOSCOC's performance objectives are codified in two places: (1) its Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures and (2) its CoC Program Scoring Tool Detailed Instructions.
Coordinated Entry
The LA BOSCOC's Coordinated Entry System (CES)'s performance objectives are to make homelessness:
- Rare: every year, first time homelessness from all sources except natural disasters will decline by 10% from the previous year;
- Brief: mean length of time (LOT) homeless will be 20 days or fewer, AND every year, mean LOT homeless will decline 10% from the previous year;
- Non-Recurring: in a given year, returns to homelessness from permanent housing (i.e. returns to homelessness within 24 months) will be 10% or fewer AND returns to homelessness within 12 months will be 5% or fewer.
These objectives are intentionally aspirational and based on national standards for high-performing communities.
CoC Program Scoring Tools Detailed Instructions
The LA BOSCOC's Scoring Tools Detailed Instructions outlines the LA BOSCOC's metrics for assessing its funded CoC Program projects and defines performance objectives for each metric. These metrics were chosen because they underpin the success of both individual projects and the CoC as a whole in ending homelessness.
They are:
- % of Participants Exiting to or Maintaining Permanent Housing: to receive full points, a project must ensure 90% of its participants exit to/maintain permanent housing -- OR, if the project serves victims of domestic violence, ensure 80% of its participants exit to/maintain permanent housing.
- % of Participants Exiting to Shelter/Streets/Unknown: to receive full points, a project must ensure it exits 5% or fewer of its participants to emergency shelter, to the streets, or to an unknown location.
- % of Participants Who Increased Employment Income at Exit: to receive full points, a project must ensure 25% of more of its participants increased their employment income at exit.
- % of Participants Who Increased Non-Employment Income at Exit: to receive full points, a project must ensure 25% of more of its participants increased their non-employment income at exit.
- % of Participants Who Had Non-Cash Benefits at Exit: to receive full points, a project must ensure 25% of more of its participants was receiving 1 or more non-cash benefits at exit.
- Utilization Rate: to receive full points, projects must have a bed utilization rate of 90% or higher on the date of the most recent Housing Inventory Count (HIC).