FY2023 Local Competition Informational Webinar: Save the Date

LHC will host an informational webinar for its FY 2023 CoC Program local competition

Tuesday, August 7th. 12p-2p

Zoom Link

This webinar will provide both an overview of the FY 2023 CoC Program NOFO and critical information for potential project applicants. If you do not attend the live webinar, you may view the webinar materials which will be published on the FY23 CoC Program local competition funding page here

Additional call in information about the webinar can be found on our Events Calendar

FY 2023 CoC Program Local Competition Documents Now Available


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), on behalf of the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), opened its local competition for funding available under the Funding Year (FY) 2023 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on August 2, 2023. Project applications for funding through this local competition are due to LHC no later than 4p CST August 28, 2023.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its FY 2023 CoC Program NOFO on July 5, 2023. The CoC Program funds eligible organizations to provide housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence.

Through its local competition, the LA BOSCOC expects to make approximately $24 million available, including approximately $1.7 million for new projects.

The LA BOSCOC welcomes and encourages applicants that have not previously received CoC Program funding to apply.

The LA BOSCOC will publish all information about its local competition on its website and via its email distribution list. Click here to subscribe to the LA BOSCOC’s email distribution list.

Local Competition documents

Today, the LA BOSCOC published several key documents for its local competition. These documents may be updated as a result of HUD publications. They are:

LCADV DV Bonus - RRH - Request for Proposals

The Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV) is soliciting proposals from applicants wishing to be selected as a subrecipient for the LCADV DV-RRH funding available through the FY2023 CoC Program Competition.
The LA BOSCOC has published the following documents on the FY23 funding page in addition to the FY23 CoC Program local competition documents:

Reminder: FY 2023 CoC Program local competition webinar

LHC will host an informational webinar for its FY 2023 CoC Program local competition on Monday, August 7th. This webinar will provide both an overview of the FY 2023 CoC Program NOFO and critical information for potential project applicants.

Information about how to join the webinar will be posted on this website.

About the LA BOSCOC

The LA BOSCOC is Louisiana’s largest coalition to end homelessness. It serves more than half of Louisiana’s geography, including more than 20 parishes and the cities of Baton Rouge, Houma, and Lake Charles.

For more information, please contact Carrie Patterson, Continuum of Care Manager, at cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.

FY 2023 Project Applications available in e-snaps

Project Applications now available!

HUD has made the FY2023 CoC Program New and Renewal Project Applications available in e-snaps. Please follow this link to get started! e-snaps

HUD has also published the FY2023 Detailed Instructions Guides among other resources at the CoC Program Competion page here.

HUD has not released its e-Snaps Navigational guides yet, but we expect they will soon. In the meantime feel free to use the FY22 e-Snaps Navigational guides as a reference to begin working on your project applications.

FY22 e-Snaps Navigational guide: Renewal Projects
FY22 e-Snaps Navigational guide: New Projects

Please remember that project applications will need to follow the instructions in the LA BOSCOC Local Competition Request for Proposals (RFP) when that document is available. LA BOSCOC will publish that document on this website here.


Annual Call for Membership


The Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC) is Louisiana’s largest coalition of organizations and people dedicated to ending homelessness. We serve more than 20 parishes, including East Baton Rouge, Calcasieu, and Terrebonne, and we have more than 100 member organizations, including many of the state’s largest housing and homeless services providers.

YOU are invited to become a member. Membership is free and carries no obligations.

Click here for more information about the LA BOSCOC, including which parishes we serve.

Membership Benefits

LA BOSCOC members enjoy the following benefits:

-Funding Opportunities: LA BOSCOC members are the first to know about funding opportunities for organizations to create new housing and services for people experiencing homelessness.

-Training and Technical Assistance: the LA BOSCOC provides a wealth of training opportunities (both individual and group) at no charge to members.

-Shaping Local Policy: the LA BOSCOC creates local policies and procedures for programs serving people experiencing homelessness in your area. Members shape those policies and procedures by providing everything from new perspectives and input to actual policy language.

-Data and Education: the LA BOSCOC is the primary assessor of data and trends related to homelessness in your area. Members can request everything from specific data points to group presentations from CoC staff.

Joining the LA BOSCOC

Click here to register as a member of the LA BOSCOC.

Membership is free and carries no obligations.

For more information about the LA BOSCOC or membership, email Carrie Patterson at cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.


LA BOSCOC is awarded more than $24.5 Million in FY22 CoC Program funds

On March 28, HUD released the CoC Program awards for Funding Year 2022 (FY 2022). We are excited to announce that the LA BOSCOC was awarded $24,577,185 - 100% of the funding request included in our CoC's FY2022 Consolidated Application! These awards reflect all awards made under the CoC Program for FY 2022.

This award ensures that CoC Program funded projects that currently operate within the CoC can continue to provide their crucial resources to our most vulnerable neighbors and that our CoC is able to support newly funded projects that aim to bring highly needed housing and support resources into underserved communities within our CoC. 


  • $22.25 million of renewal funding for CoC funded projects across the LA BOSCOC.

  • $1.65 million of new funding to expand existing projects, including:

    • $537,728 for Rapid Rehousing survivors of Domestic Violence in rural areas. 

    • $354,657 for Transitional Housing for Youth in rural areas.

    • $552,030 for Permanent Housing.

    • $206,250 for Coordinated Entry. 

Fund Availability: 

The LA BOSCOC does not have any information at this time regarding when FY2022 funding will become available to projects. All agencies who are direct recipients of HUD CoC Program funding should be on the look out for official notification of funding award availability.

See FY2022 LABOSCOC Awards by Project.


Louisiana Housing Conference September 24-26, 2023

Early Bird Registration for the Louisiana Housing Conference is open now through May 31! For three days, housing professionals from banking and finance, to developers and policy professionals, will convene in Baton Rouge for a unique opportunity to connect, examine, learn, and discuss how to improve the lives of Louisiana residents recognizing housing as the foundation that builds strong communities.

 Your registration includes:

  • Welcome Reception on Sunday, September 24

  • Breakfast & Lunch on Monday, September 25 & Tuesday, September 26

  • All conference sessions 

Hotel accommodations are not included.

Please visit louisianahousingconference.com for additional information. 



Job Opportunity: Statewide SOAR Position


The Louisiana Housing Corporation is hiring a SOAR Project Lead.  This position will serve as a lead SOAR Coordinator for LHC and will work to increase SOAR implementation statewide through subrecipient providers located in each of Louisiana’s Continuums of Care.

More information

SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) is a SAMSHSA endorsed case management model designed to increase access to disability income benefits for individuals who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. SOAR case management is one of the most effective tools available to homeless service providers in assisting participants in moving towards housing stability.

The SOAR Project Lead (Housing Finance Supervisor) position has been posted to the LA Civil Service website. Position details and how to apply can be found HERE

LHC will be accepting applications through January 9, 2023.

No Civil Service test score is required in order to be considered for this vacancy.


If you or someone you know is interested in applying and has questions, they can contact Winona Connor, Homelessness Solutions Deputy Administrator, at 225-763-3959 or wconnor@lhc.la.gov.


Now Hiring: HMIS Specialist


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), as the HMIS Lead for the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), is hiring an HMIS Specialist to assist a broad range of organizations across Louisiana in developing high-quality projects dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness.

About this position

This position will…

  • Be best filled by an applicant who is enthusiastic about using creative problem solving, data analysis, and public policy as tools to support ending homelessness in the LA BOSCOC service area through data-based decision making and strategic planning utilizing the LA BOSCOC Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS);

  • Assists in making recommendations to prioritize projects related to technology initiatives, business processes, and/or systems. Provides guidance to lower-level personnel on a project basis. Participates in meetings with various stakeholders; applies understanding of how complex process changes affect applications development, information security, and other technical activities;

  • Become fluent in high-level systems related to homelessness, including community-wide mechanisms for participant intake/referral and housing project performance assessment.

The ideal candidate will have…

  • Subject matter expertise in working with HMIS or similar electronic health/case management records, data based strategic planning, and homelessness services. Serves as liaison between programmatic staff and technical staff to facilitate completion of large-scale projects;

  • A great capacity for taking initiative and working independently;

  • Great relationship-building skills;

  • Extensive proficiency of Microsoft Office, especially Word and Excel;

  • Experience (professional, student, or ‘side project’) in data analysis and visual storytelling (i.e. presenting data in visually appealing, easy to understand ways); and,

  • A passion for public service and a drive to serve the greater good.

More information

Position details and how to apply can be found HERE

No Civil Service test score is required in order to be considered for this vacancy.


If you or someone you know is interested in applying and has questions, they can contact Carrie Patterson, CoC Manager, at 225-819-6049 or cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.


Now Hiring: Continuum of Care Coordinator


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), as the collaborative applicant (“lead agency”) for the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), is hiring a Continuum of Care Coordinator to assist a broad range of organizations across Louisiana in developing high-quality projects dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness.

About this position

This position will…

  • Serve as a member of a dynamic and collaborative team supervised by the LA BOSCOC Manager

  • Contribute in broad, lasting ways to ending homelessness in communities across Louisiana, including but not limited to Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Houma-Terrebonne, and their surrounding parishes;

  • Work with a variety of stakeholders, including homeless service providers, health providers, social justice advocates, law enforcement agencies, affordable housing and community development organizations, and local governments;

  • Become an expert on Federal, State, and local regulations, standards, and best practices related to funding and implementing housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness; and,

  • Become fluent in high-level systems related to homelessness, including community-wide mechanisms for participant intake/referral and housing project performance assessment.

The ideal candidate will have…

  • Experience working directly with people experiencing homelessness and/or managing projects that serve people experiencing homelessness, especially if that professional experience was funded by HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) or Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs;

  • A great capacity for taking initiative and working independently;

  • Great relationship-building skills;

  • A working knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Word and Excel;

  • Experience (professional, student, or ‘side project’) in developing or delivering trainings and educational materials (i.e. presenting information in easy to understand ways); and,

  • A passion for public service and a drive to serve the greater good.

Position details and how to apply can be found HERE

Application deadline: 12/30/22

More information

Exemptions from the civil service exam requirement

If you believe you qualify for an exemption from this position’s service service exam requirement, please ensure you attach the relevant supporting documentation to your application.

For example: if you qualify for the GPA exemption, attach a copy of your transcript verifying your GPA.


If you or someone you know is interested in applying and has questions, they can contact Carrie Patterson, LA BOSCOC Manager, at 225-819-6049 or cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.


Now Hiring: HMIS Specialist


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), as the HMIS Lead for the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), is hiring an HMIS Specialist to assist a broad range of organizations across Louisiana in developing high-quality projects dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness.

About this position

This position will…

  • Be best filled by an applicant who is enthusiastic about using creative problem solving, data analysis, and public policy as tools to support ending homelessness in the LA BOSCOC service area through data-based decision making and strategic planning utilizing the LA BOSCOC Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS);

  • Assists in making recommendations to prioritize projects related to technology initiatives, business processes, and/or systems. Provides guidance to lower-level personnel on a project basis. Participates in meetings with various stakeholders; applies understanding of how complex process changes affect applications development, information security, and other technical activities;

  • Become fluent in high-level systems related to homelessness, including community-wide mechanisms for participant intake/referral and housing project performance assessment.

The ideal candidate will have…

  • Subject matter expertise in working with HMIS or similar Electronic Health Records, data based strategic planning, and homelessness services. Serves as liaison between programmatic staff and technical staff to facilitate completion of large-scale projects;

  • A great capacity for taking initiative and working independently;

  • Great relationship-building skills;

  • Extensive proficiency of Microsoft Office, especially Word and Excel;

  • Experience (professional, student, or ‘side project’) in data analysis and visual storytelling (i.e. presenting data in visually appealing, easy to understand ways); and,

  • A passion for public service and a drive to serve the greater good.

More information

Position details and how to apply can be found HERE

No Civil Service test score is required in order to be considered for this vacancy.


If you or someone you know is interested in applying and has questions, they can contact Carrie Patterson, CoC Manager, at 225-819-6049 or cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.


Now Hiring: Continuum of Care Coordinator


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), as the collaborative applicant (“lead agency”) for the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), is hiring a Continuum of Care Coordinator to assist a broad range of organizations across Louisiana in developing high-quality projects dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness.

About this position

This position will…

  • Contribute in broad, lasting ways to ending homelessness in communities across Louisiana, including but not limited to Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Houma-Terrebonne, and their surrounding parishes;

  • Work with a variety of stakeholders, including homeless service providers, health providers, social justice advocates, law enforcement agencies, affordable housing and community development organizations, and local governments;

  • Become an expert on Federal, State, and local regulations, standards, and best practices related to funding and implementing housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness; and,

  • Become fluent in high-level systems related to homelessness, including community-wide mechanisms for participant intake/referral and housing project performance assessment.

The ideal candidate will have…

  • Experience working directly with people experiencing homelessness and/or managing projects that serve people experiencing homelessness, especially if that professional experience was funded by HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) or Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs;

  • A great capacity for taking initiative and working independently;

  • Great relationship-building skills;

  • A working knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Word and Excel;

  • Experience (professional, student, or ‘side project’) in data analysis and visual storytelling (i.e. presenting data in visually appealing, easy to understand ways); and,

  • A passion for public service and a drive to serve the greater good.

More information

Position details and how to apply can be found HERE

Exemptions from the civil service exam requirement

If you believe you qualify for an exemption from this position’s service service exam requirement, please ensure you attach the relevant supporting documentation to your application.

For example: if you qualify for the GPA exemption, attach a copy of your transcript verifying your GPA.


If you or someone you know is interested in applying and has questions, they can contact Carrie Patterson, Continuum of Care Coordinator, at 225-819-6049 or cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.


FY 2022 CoC Consolidated Application posted for Public Comment


The LA BOSCOC is seeking public comment on its Consolidated Application to the Funding Year 2022 (FY 2022) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition.

The CoC Consolidated Application contains two parts:

  • The CoC Application, which includes narratives and other information about the CoC;

  • The CoC Priority Listing, which includes ranking and funding information about projects being submitted to the Competition.

Accessing the documents

The penultimate draft of the CoC Consolidated Application can be accessed through the links below.

How to provide public comment

Please submit public comments by email to Carrie Patterson, Continuum of Care Manager at cpatterson@lhc.la.gov

CoC Staff will be making minor corrections and updates over the weekend. Public comments will be accepted through 8AM CST Monday 9/26/2022

The LA BOSCOC Board will be voting by email to approve the Final Consolidated Application on Monday 9/26/22

FY2022 CoC Program Local Competition - Notification Of Projects Funded



The LA BOSCOC has selected and ranked all new and renewal projects to be included in its consolidated application to HUD’s FY2022 CoC Program Competition. The LA BOSCOC's FY2022 CoC Program final Project Ranking can be found here: https://laboscoc.org/fy22-coc-program-competition
The Scoring Committee met on Tuesday, September 6th, to score, rank, and select projects. This process was conducted according to the Project Rating, Ranking, and Selection process as approved by the Board. 

The Board voted on Thursday, September 15th, to unanimously approve the Scoring Committee’s project ranking and selection as written.

New Project Funding.

Five projects were submitted for consideration. Three were selected. They were (in alphabetical order):

START Corporation’s “BOS PSH 1 expansion” project, which will expand an existing project to provide long-term rental assistance and supportive services via the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) project type to additional households in the Baton Rouge Region.

START Corporation’s “Starting Over expansion” project, which will expand an existing project to provide long-term rental assistance and supportive services via the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) project type to additional households in the Houma Region.

Youth Oasis' “TH-RRH expansion” project, which will expand an existing project to provide Transitional Housing and short to medium-term rental assistance and supportive services via the Transitional Housing - Rapid Rehousing (TH-RRH) joint component project type to youth households in several underserved parishes of the Baton Rouge and Houma Regions.

On behalf of the Scoring Committee, CoC staff would like to extend our deep appreciation to ALL project applicants. The CoC Program project application process can be challenging, and we are profoundly grateful to have so many organizations in our CoC with the interest, investment, and dedication to ending homelessness required to engage that process.

Renewal Project Funding

All projects that requested renewal funding were selected to receive full funding for those requests.

Project Feedback

As in previous years and once time allows, CoC staff will be available to provide interested applicants with a comprehensive breakdown and assessment of each of their new and renewal projects’ scores.


CoC staff hope that applicants whose new projects were not selected for inclusion will use these assessments to refine their project applications for resubmission in future years.

FY 2022 Project Applications available in e-snaps

Project Applications now available!

HUD has made the FY2022 CoC Program New and Renewal Project Applications available in e-snaps. Please follow this link to get started! e-snaps

HUD has also published Detailed Instruction guides for applicants to use in creating their project applications in e-snaps. CoC Staff highly recommend that all applicants consider utilizing these guides.
Detailed Instructions for: Renewal Projects
Detailed Instructions for: New Projects

Please remember to follow the instructions in the LA BOSCOC Local Competition Request for Proposals (RFP) when submitting your Project Applications. The RFP can be found here.

LA BOSCOC Local Competiton Webinar now Available!

The LA BOSCOC hosted a public webinar on August 16th to provide stakeholders guidance on engaging with the LA BOSCOC's FY22 CoC Program Local Competition.

The webinar recording and slide deck can be found here.


REMINDER: Local Competition Webinar - Today at noon!

Today, August 16th, 12p-1:30p, LHC will host an informational webinar for its FY 2022 CoC Program local competition. 

Meeting Link

This webinar will provide both an overview of the FY 2022 CoC Program NOFO and critical information for potential project applicants. Anyone contemplating applying for CoC program funding in FY22 should attend. There will be an opportunity for Q&A after the presentation.

Meeting information can also be found on our Events Calendar.


FY2022 Local Competition Informational Webinar: Save the Date

LHC will host an informational webinar for its FY 2022 CoC Program local competition

Tuesday, August 16th. 12p-1:30p
Zoom Link

This webinar will provide both an overview of the FY 2022 CoC Program NOFO and critical information for potential project applicants.

Additional call in information about the webinar can be found on our Events Calendar

FY 2022 CoC Program Local Competition Documents Now Available


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), on behalf of the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), opens its local competition for funding available under the Funding Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on August 10, 2022.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its FY 2022 CoC Program NOFO on August 1, 2022. The CoC Program funds eligible organizations to provide housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence.

Through its local competition, the LA BOSCOC expects to make approximately $23 million available, including approximately $1 million for new projects.

The LA BOSCOC welcomes and encourages applicants that have not previously received CoC Program funding to apply.

The LA BOSCOC will publish all information about its local competition on its website and via its email distribution list. Click here to subscribe to the LA BOSCOC’s email distribution list.

Local Competition documents

Today, the LA BOSCOC published several key documents for its local competition. These documents may be updated as a result of HUD publications. They are:

Reminder: FY 2022 CoC Program local competition webinar

LHC will host an informational webinar for its FY 2022 CoC Program local competition on Tuesday, August 16th. This webinar will provide both an overview of the FY 2022 CoC Program NOFO and critical information for potential project applicants.

Information about how to join the webinar will be posted on this website.

About the LA BOSCOC

The LA BOSCOC is Louisiana’s largest coalition to end homelessness. It serves more than half of Louisiana’s geography, including more than 20 parishes and the cities of Baton Rouge, Houma, and Lake Charles.

For more information, please contact Carrie Patterson, Continuum of Care Manager, at cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.

FY 2022 CoC Program NOFO published

On August 1, 2022, HUD released its Funding Year (FY) 2022 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). This is our CoC's annual opportunity to secure funding for existing CoC Program funded projects as well as compete for any available funding for new projects.

However, HUD has not yet released all materials related to the FY22 CoC Program Competition. As additional details are released, the LA BOSCOC will be providing updates and announcements through this mailing list and the laboscoc.org website.  All  LA BOSCOC FY22 CoC Program Local Competition documents and resources will be posted as available to https://laboscoc.org/fy22-coc-program-competition

The LA BOSCOC Board has a regularly scheduled meeting today and will be discussing various NOFO related items. All Board meetings are public and CoC members are welcome to attend as guests. 

LA BOSCOC Board meeting
Tuesday August 2nd, 2022
1p-3p via Zoom
See Events Calendar for meeting details.


Annual Call for CoC Membership


The Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC) is Louisiana’s largest coalition of organizations and people dedicated to ending homelessness. We serve more than 20 parishes, including East Baton Rouge, Calcasieu, and Terrebonne, and we have more than 100 member organizations, including many of the state’s largest housing and homeless services providers.

YOU are invited to become a member. Membership is free and carries no obligations.

Click here for more information about the LA BOSCOC, including which parishes we serve.

Membership Benefits

LA BOSCOC members enjoy the following benefits:

-Funding Opportunities: LA BOSCOC members are the first to know about funding opportunities for organizations to create new housing and services for people experiencing homelessness.

-Training and Technical Assistance: the LA BOSCOC provides a wealth of training opportunities (both individual and group) at no charge to members.

-Shaping Local Policy: the LA BOSCOC creates local policies and procedures for programs serving people experiencing homelessness in your area. Members shape those policies and procedures by providing everything from new perspectives and input to actual policy language.

-Data and Education: the LA BOSCOC is the primary assessor of data and trends related to homelessness in your area. Members can request everything from specific data points to group presentations from CoC staff.

Joining the LA BOSCOC

Click here to register as a member of the LA BOSCOC.

Membership is free and carries no obligations.

For more information about the LA BOSCOC or membership, email Carrie Patterson at cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.


LHC Notice of Public Hearings for HOME ARP Plan: 6/15/22 UPDATE

Due to technical difficulties, the virtual Public Hearing scheduled for 6p Tuesday June 14th has been rescheduled for 6p Thursday June 16th.

You can join the meeting via this Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88653588630?pwd=dzJuYmRsOE1xNUhKeW1KUmk3TkMzUT09

The Louisiana Housing Corporation (the "Corporation") hereby gives notice of public hearings on the proposed HOME American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) Allocation Plan for HOME ARP funds allocated to address the needs of the homeless population. Public comments will be received around the use of the aforementioned funds.

One in-person meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, June 13, 2022 at the Louisiana Housing Corporation, 2415 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808.

One virtual meeting via Zoom was held Tuesday, June 14, 2022: at 2:00 p.m.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has allocated Louisiana Housing Corporation $39 Million through the HOME-ARP program. These HOME-ARP funds are a one-time allocation that must be used to primarily benefit individuals and families that meet the requirements for one or more “qualifying populations” as defined by HUD for HOME ARP program.

HOME-ARP funds can be used for the following eligible activities:

  • Affordable Rental Housing

  • Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)

  • Supportive Services

  • Non-congregate Shelter

 Louisiana Housing Corporation seeks input from groups or organizations that work with the qualifying homeless or near homeless populations and other interested parties.

After the hearing and review of comments, the application will be finalized and submitted to HUD for acceptance.
