LHC Notice of Public Hearings for HOME ARP Plan

The Louisiana Housing Corporation (the "Corporation") hereby gives notice of public hearings on the proposed HOME American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) Allocation Plan for HOME ARP funds allocated to address the needs of the homeless population. Public comments will be received around the use of the aforementioned funds.

One in-person meeting will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, June 13, 2022 at the Louisiana Housing Corporation, 2415 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808.

Two virtual meetings via Zoom will be held Tuesday, June 14, 2022: one at 2:00 p.m. and one at 6:00 p.m.

Zoom Links:

June 14, 2022 2:00 p.m.


June 14, 2022 6:00 p.m.


The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has allocated Louisiana Housing Corporation $39 Million through the HOME-ARP program. These HOME-ARP funds are a one-time allocation that must be used to primarily benefit individuals and families that meet the requirements for one or more “qualifying populations” as defined by HUD for HOME ARP program.

HOME-ARP funds can be used for the following eligible activities:

  • Affordable Rental Housing

  • Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)

  • Supportive Services

  • Non-congregate Shelter

 Louisiana Housing Corporation seeks input from groups or organizations that work with the qualifying homeless or near homeless populations and other interested parties.

After the hearing and review of comments, the application will be finalized and submitted to HUD for acceptance.

LA BOSCOC awarded over $23 million under the CoC Program


On March 14, 2022, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded $23,123,697 to the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC) under the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program.

This amount includes approximately $20 million of renewal funding for existing CoC funded projects across the LA BOSCOC and approximately $2 million of funding for new projects, including $829,712 for a new RRH project for survivors of Domestic Violence

The LA BOSCOC received funding for 100% of the eligible projects it included in the FY21 CoC Program Consolidated Application..

These awards reflect all awards made under the CoC Program for Funding Year 2021 (FY 2021).

Additional information regarding new project funding will be available in the near future.

Funding Availability

The LA BOSCOC does not have any information at this time regarding when FY2021 funding will become available. All agencies who are direct recipients of HUD CoC Program funding should be on the look out for official notification of funding award availability.

Interested in CoC Program funding?

The LA BOSCOC expects the FY 2022 CoC Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to become available in Q3 2022. Organizations interested in funding are strongly advised to begin planning their applications now. For more information, please contact Carrie Patterson, Continuum of Care Manager, at cpatterson@lhc.la.gov or 225-819-6049.

Now Hiring: Continuum of Care Coordinator-Position Reposted

December 8, 2021


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), as the collaborative applicant (“lead agency”) for the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), is hiring a Continuum of Care Coordinator to assist a broad range of organizations across Louisiana in developing high-quality projects dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness.
THIS IS A REPOSTING OF THIS POSITION. If you have previously applied for this position and are still interested in the opportunity, please apply

About this position

This position will…

  • Contribute in broad, lasting ways to ending homelessness in communities across Louisiana, including but not limited to Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Houma-Terrebonne, and their surrounding parishes;

  • Work with a variety of stakeholders, including homeless service providers, health providers, social justice advocates, law enforcement agencies, affordable housing and community development organizations, and local governments;

  • Become an expert on Federal, State, and local regulations, standards, and best practices related to funding and implementing housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness; and,

  • Become fluent in high-level systems related to homelessness, including community-wide mechanisms for participant intake/referral and housing project performance assessment.

The ideal candidate will have…

  • Experience working directly with people experiencing homelessness and/or managing projects that serve people experiencing homelessness, especially if that professional experience was funded by HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) or Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs;

  • A great capacity for taking initiative and working independently;

  • Great relationship-building skills;

  • A working knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Word and Excel;

  • Experience (professional, student, or ‘side project’) in data analysis and visual storytelling (i.e. presenting data in visually appealing, easy to understand ways); and,

  • A passion for public service and a drive to serve the greater good.

More information

Position details and how to apply

Visit LA Civil Service Website to apply online

Exemptions from the civil service exam requirement

If you believe you qualify for an exemption from this position’s service service exam requirement, please ensure you attach the relevant supporting documentation to your application.

For example: if you qualify for the GPA exemption, attach a copy of your transcript verifying your GPA.


If you or someone you know is interested in applying and has questions, they can contact Carrie Patterson, Continuum of Care Coordinator, at 225-819-6049 or cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.

Letter from the Outgoing CoC Manager

Today is my last day as the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC)’s Continuum of Care Manager. I hope you will indulge me in a few words before I step off this stage.


First, however: I am overjoyed to announce that the Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC) has detailed Carrie Patterson into the position of Continuum of Care Manager, effective immediately. Before her promotion, Carrie served as the LA BOSCOC’s Continuum of Care Coordinator. You can reach her at cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.


When I came to Louisiana in 2017, the LA BOSCOC existed in name only. It had been founded in 2015 with four parishes (Natchitoches, Sabine, Plaquemines, St. Bernard) and had merged with the Lake Charles Region in 2016, but I was its first full-time staff person and almost none of our core documents or structures existed. Who belonged to the LA BOSCOC? What did ‘belonging’ mean? What did it do? What was it for?

We have spent the last five years answering those questions together. In that time, we:

  • Grew our annual CoC Program funding by more than $10 million, from $11.8 million in FY 2016 to a projected $22 million in FY 2021;

  • Successfully secured 100% of all competitive CoC Program funding offered from FY 2017 to FY 2020, including highly competitive DV Bonus funding;

  • Merged with the Baton Rouge Region and Houma Region, more than doubling the LA BOSCOC’s geographic area, coalition size, and service population;

  • Reformed our Governance Charter, creating a Board with equal parts statewide and local representation and empowering open-door committees to meaningfully impact our daily operations;

  • Developed Written Standards (and revised them several times) to explain — to ourselves and others — what people could expect from us and our housing projects; and

  • Created a nationally recognized Coordinated Entry System that began as a complicated waiting list and has evolved into a sophisticated housing solution for the overwhelming majority of people it serves.

…and most importantly, we have built an LA BOSCOC that will continue to grow and thrive regardless of whether any one person or group of people are involved. The LA BOSCOC is recognized both statewide and nationally as a force for positive change in the lives of people experiencing homelessness, for organizations serving people experiencing homelessness, and for housing policy in all of our spheres of influence.

This is the moment when the LA BOSCOC evolves from the “founder” model to the “institution” model — from being an idea that one person or a small group of people created and sustained to a tangible reality that is continually renewed by all of its members, stakeholders, and partners. You are more than ready. The stars are bright for the LA BOSCOC; I can hardly wait to see what y’all do next.

It’s never fun to leave a job you’ve loved, but my next gig as a senior-level homeless services specialist with a national technical assistance provider will be an incredible opportunity to share the lessons we’ve learned together with communities across the country. And since this gig is fully remote, I’ll be staying right here — so you you can expect to continue seeing me in our ongoing work to prevent and end homelessness in Louisiana.

I welcome you all to stay in touch. You can reach me at gordon.l.levine@gmail.com.

Please join me in that traditional send-off:

Not fare well,

But fare forward, voyagers.


Gordon Levine
Continuum of Care Manager

Now Hiring: Continuum of Care Coordinator


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), as the collaborative applicant (“lead agency”) for the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), is hiring a Continuum of Care Coordinator to assist a broad range of organizations across Louisiana in developing high-quality projects dedicated to preventing and ending homelessness.

About this position

This position will…

  • Contribute in broad, lasting ways to ending homelessness in communities across Louisiana, including but not limited to Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Houma-Terrebonne, and their surrounding parishes;

  • Work with a variety of stakeholders, including homeless service providers, health providers, social justice advocates, law enforcement agencies, affordable housing and community development organizations, and local governments;

  • Become an expert on Federal, State, and local regulations, standards, and best practices related to funding and implementing housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness; and,

  • Become fluent in high-level systems related to homelessness, including community-wide mechanisms for participant intake/referral and housing project performance assessment.

The ideal candidate will have…

  • Experience working directly with people experiencing homelessness and/or managing projects that serve people experiencing homelessness, especially if that professional experience was funded by HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) or Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs;

  • A great capacity for taking initiative and working independently;

  • Great relationship-building skills;

  • A working knowledge of Microsoft Office, especially Word and Excel;

  • Experience (professional, student, or ‘side project’) in data analysis and visual storytelling (i.e. presenting data in visually appealing, easy to understand ways); and,

  • A passion for public service and a drive to serve the greater good.

More information

Position details and how to apply

Visit https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/louisiana/jobs/3310387/housing-finance-specialist-1-2-3-homelessness-111521?keywords=housing%20finance%20specialist&pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs to apply online

Exemptions from the civil service exam requirement

If you believe you qualify for an exemption from this position’s service service exam requirement, please ensure you attach the relevant supporting documentation to your application.

For example: if you qualify for the GPA exemption, attach a copy of your transcript verifying your GPA.


If you or someone you know is interested in applying and has questions, they can contact Carrie Patterson, Continuum of Care Coordinator, at 225-819-6049 or cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.

LA BOSCOC Releases Updated FY 2021 CoC Program RFP


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), on behalf of the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), has opened its local competition for funding available under the Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO in August 18, 2021. The CoC Program funds eligible organizations to provide housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence.

Through its local competition, the LA BOSCOC expects to make approximately $23 million available, including approximately $2.5 million for new projects.

The LA BOSCOC welcomes and encourages applicants that have not previously received CoC Program funding to apply.

The LA BOSCOC will publish all information about its local competition on its website at https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition and via its email distribution list. Click here to subscribe to the LA BOSCOC’s email distribution list.

Updated FY 2021 CoC Program RFP

Today, the LA BOSCOC released an updated version of the FY 2021 CoC Program Request for Proposals (RFP). All changes are highlighted within the document. The most critical change is a substantial increase in funding under the General Funding pool: due to additional reallocations, the total amount available has been increased by nearly $500,000 to $1,443,674.

The updated RFP can be accessed here: https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition

Timeline reminder

The LA BOSCOC would like to issue a friendly reminder that all renewal project applications and all new project applications under the General Funding pool are due by 4 PM on Friday, October 22. For more information about submitting project applications, please consult the most recent version of the FY 2021 CoC Program RFP, which can be accessed here: https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition

Supplemental documents reminder

The LA BOSCOC would like to remind all applicants submitting renewal project applications and General Funding pool new project applications that certain scoring elements require supplemental documentation — i.e. documents that are not present in your e-snaps application — to be submitted to the LA BOSCOC for consideration.

The New Project Scoring Tool (page 4) and the Renewal Project Scoring Tool (page 4) both contain charts specifying which scoring elements require additional documentation and what that documentation entails.

The New Project Scoring Tool and Renewal Project Scoring Tool can be accessed here: https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition

About the LA BOSCOC

The LA BOSCOC is Louisiana’s largest coalition to end homelessness. It serves more than half of Louisiana’s geography, including more than 20 parishes and the cities of Baton Rouge, Houma, and Lake Charles.

For more information, please contact Carrie Patterson, Continuum of Care Manager, at cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.

CoC Staffing Changes

Today, Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager for the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), announced that he had accepted a new position and would be leaving the Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC). His last day at LHC is projected to be November 18, 2021.

Mr. Levine began working for LHC in mid-2017 as the LA BOSCOC’s first staff person. Since then, he has overseen two CoC mergers (with Baton Rouge and Houma), an increase in annual CoC Program funding from approximately $13 million to approximately $23 million annually, and the creation of a nationally recognized and high performing Coordinated Entry System. He was also one of the primary architects of LHC’s statewide homelessness response to COVID-19.

As LHC determines how it intends to refill Mr. Levine’s position and other vacant and proposed positions within the LA BOSCOC staff, that information will be posted here.

Mr. Levine welcomes CoC members to remain in contact via his personal email at gordon.l.levine@gmail.com.

LCADV releases DV Bonus Request for Proposals


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), on behalf of the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), has opened its local competition for funding available under the Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO in August 18, 2021. The CoC Program funds eligible organizations to provide housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence.

Through its local competition, the LA BOSCOC expects to make approximately $23 million available, including more than $2 million for new projects.

The Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (LCADV) is the federally designated statewide coalition of shelters, non-residential programs and people working to end domestic violence in Louisiana.

The LA BOSCOC will publish all information about this RFP on its website at https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition and via its email distribution list. Click here to subscribe to the LA BOSCOC’s email distribution list.

DV Bonus Request for Proposals

Today, LCADV released its Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus Request for Proposals. This proposal seeks to identify one or more subrecipients to administer up to $858,185 in CoC Program funding to provide rental assistance and supportive services to survivors of domestic violence.

Applications are due October 22, 2021, and should be submitted to mariah.wineski@lcadv.org.

The RFP and project application form can be found here: https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition

About the LA BOSCOC

The LA BOSCOC is Louisiana’s largest coalition to end homelessness. It serves more than half of Louisiana’s geography, including more than 20 parishes and the cities of Baton Rouge, Houma, and Lake Charles.

For more information about the LA BOSCOC, please contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at glevine@lhc.la.gov.

For more information about LCADV or the DV Bonus RFP, please contact Mariah Wineski, Executive Director, at mariah.wineski@lcadv.org.

Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless Releases FQHC RFP


Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless (CAAH) is one of the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC)’s core community partners. In addition to providing HMIS support to all LA BOSCOC agencies, CAAH also administers the One Stop Homeless Services Center (the One Stop) in Baton Rouge.

Today, CAAH has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to select a private non-profit entity to operate a federally qualified health center (FQHC) clinic within the One Stop.

Proposals are due by 4 PM on Thursday, October 28, 2021. For more information, including eligibility and application requirements, please refer to the RFP.

Request for Proposals

Click here to download the RFP.


For more information, please contact Charles Phillips at cphillips@homelessinbr.org.

LHC Releases Coordinated Entry Request for Interests (Lake Charles)


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), on behalf of the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), has opened its local competition for funding available under the Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO in August 18, 2021. The CoC Program funds eligible organizations to provide housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence.

Through its local competition, the LA BOSCOC expects to make approximately $23 million available, including more than $2 million for new projects.

The LA BOSCOC welcomes and encourages applicants that have not previously received CoC Program funding to apply.

The LA BOSCOC will publish all information about its local competition on its website at https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition and via its email distribution list. Click here to subscribe to the LA BOSCOC’s email distribution list.

Final documents

Today, the LA BOSCOC published a Coordinated Entry Request for Interest (RFI). Under this RFI, LHC seeks to identify potential subrecipients to receive an estimated $50,000 to fund Coordinated Entry activities, including single site access and street outreach.

Inquiries are due by 4 PM CST on October 1, 2021.

The RFI can be found here: https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition

About the LA BOSCOC

The LA BOSCOC is Louisiana’s largest coalition to end homelessness. It serves more than half of Louisiana’s geography, including more than 20 parishes and the cities of Baton Rouge, Houma, and Lake Charles.

For more information, please contact Carrie Patterson, Continuum of Care Manager, at cpatterson@lhc.la.gov.

Key Stakeholder Survey to Support the FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO


Click here to take the survey.

The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), on behalf of the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), has opened its local competition for funding available under the Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO in August 18, 2021. The CoC Program funds eligible organizations to provide housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence.

Through its local competition, the LA BOSCOC expects to make approximately $23 million available, including more than $2 million for new projects.

The LA BOSCOC welcomes and encourages applicants that have not previously received CoC Program funding to apply.

The LA BOSCOC will publish all information about its local competition on its website at https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition and via its email distribution list. Click here to subscribe to the LA BOSCOC’s email distribution list.

Key stakeholder survey

Click here to take the survey.

Today, the LA BOSCOC published its key stakeholder survey. This survey will support the LA BOSCOC’s FY 2021 CoC Competition application by providing critical information about homelessness response across the CoC in the last year. Without this information, the CoC will be less competitive at the national level, and therefore less likely to receive new project funding.

We urge all organizations that provide any services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence, to take a few minutes to reply to this survey.

This survey will take between 5 and 20 minutes and is best completed by someone with comprehensive knowledge of their organization’s entire scope of homelessness response — usually a program director, COO, executive director, or CEO.

Topics include:

  • All service providers: how your agency has improved is readiness for public health emergencies; how your agency coordinated with mainstream health agencies to respond to COVID-19; whether your agency has worked to identify people to receive a COVID-19 vaccine; whether and to what extent you have assessed and addressed racial inequities in your service delivery;

  • Emergency shelter and transitional housing providers: protocols you implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic to address immediate safety needs for people in congregate settings;

  • Outreach providers: protocols you implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic to address immediate safety needs for people in unsheltered living situations;

  • Domestic violence service providers: training you provided to project staff addressing safety planning protocols; if you provide Coordinated Entry activities, how your CES implementation incorporates trauma-informed, victim-centered approaches that prioritize safety and confidentiality.

The CoC staff appreciate your time and contribution to ensuring you receive credit on the national stage for your work and guaranteeing the LA BOSCOC its best opportunity to receive its maximum funding award.

Survey responses are due by October 1, 2021.

Click here to take the survey.

Final Versions of All Local Competition Documents Now Available


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), on behalf of the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), has opened its local competition for funding available under the Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO in August 18, 2021. The CoC Program funds eligible organizations to provide housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence.

Through its local competition, the LA BOSCOC expects to make approximately $23 million available, including more than $2 million for new projects.

The LA BOSCOC welcomes and encourages applicants that have not previously received CoC Program funding to apply.

The LA BOSCOC will publish all information about its local competition on its website at https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition and via its email distribution list. Click here to subscribe to the LA BOSCOC’s email distribution list.

Final documents

Today, the LA BOSCOC published final versions of all remaining key documents for its local competition. This includes an updated Request for Proposals that reflects system project allocations approved by the LA BOSCOC Board on September 17, 2021.

This release includes final versions of the Annual Changelog, Projects Eligible for Renewal, New Project Scoring Tool, Renewal Project Scoring Tool, and an updated Request for Proposals.

All local competition documents can be found here: https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition

About the LA BOSCOC

The LA BOSCOC is Louisiana’s largest coalition to end homelessness. It serves more than half of Louisiana’s geography, including more than 20 parishes and the cities of Baton Rouge, Houma, and Lake Charles.

For more information, please contact Carrie Patterson, Continuum of Care Manager, at cpatterson@lha.la.gov.

Board Meeting: Friday, September 17, 1 PM to 2 PM

The Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC) Board, which is the LA BOSCOC’s primary governing body, will meet Friday, August 30, from 11 AM to noon.

This meeting will focus on three topics:

Approving the remaining key documents for the FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO. Click here for more information and to review those documents.

Reviewing non-competitive project expansions. The LA BOSCOC Board has offered to consider expansion requests from current subrecipients of two systems-level CoC Program-funded projects, “Coordinated Entry” and “HMIS.” The Board will review proposals and determine their funding mechanism in relation to the FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO local competition General Funding Pool.

Special population: people living in disaster shelters. More than 200 people are currently living in disaster shelters in the LA BOSCOC. Part of this population includes people who were experiencing homelessness before Hurricane Ida or who were precariously housed before Hurricane Ida and cannot be returned to housing via FEMA rental assistance. The Board will consider whether to designate one or both of these populations as a special population for the purposes of Coordinated Entry prioritization.

Click here to access the agenda.

FY 2021 Local Competition Webinar - Slides and Recording Now Available


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), on behalf of the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), has opened its local competition for funding available under the Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO in August 18, 2021. The CoC Program funds eligible organizations to provide housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence.

Through its local competition, the LA BOSCOC expects to make approximately $23 million available, including approximately $2 million for new projects.

The LA BOSCOC welcomes and encourages applicants that have not previously received CoC Program funding to apply.

The LA BOSCOC will publish all information about its local competition on its website at https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition and via its email distribution list. Click here to subscribe to the LA BOSCOC’s email distribution list.

Webinar and Slides

On Friday, September 10, the LA BOSCOC hosted a webinar to provide an overview of the CoC Program, the FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO, and the LA BOSCOC’s FY 2021 local competition.

Today, the LA BOSCOC posted the slides and the full recording of that webinar for your review. (Please note that the slides contain several errors that reference the FY 2019 local competition, primarily in relation to the project application supplement; these errors are noted as part of the recorded webinar, but for further clarification, please contact glevine@lhc.la.gov.)

Click here to view FY 2021 local competition page, which includes links to the slides and webinar.

Draft Versions of Remaining Local Competition Documents Now Available


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), on behalf of the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), has opened its local competition for funding available under the Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO in August 18, 2021. The CoC Program funds eligible organizations to provide housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence.

Through its local competition, the LA BOSCOC expects to make approximately $23 million available, including approximately $2 million for new projects.

The LA BOSCOC welcomes and encourages applicants that have not previously received CoC Program funding to apply.

The LA BOSCOC will publish all information about its local competition on its website at https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition and via its email distribution list. Click here to subscribe to the LA BOSCOC’s email distribution list.

Draft documents

Today, the LA BOSCOC published draft versions of the remaining key documents for its local competition. They are:

Reminder: FY 2021 CoC Program local competition webinar

LHC will host an informational webinar for its FY 2021 CoC Program local competition on the morning of Friday, September 10. This webinar will provide both an overview of the FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO and critical information for potential project applicants.

Click here to register for the webinar.

About the LA BOSCOC

The LA BOSCOC is Louisiana’s largest coalition to end homelessness. It serves more than half of Louisiana’s geography, including more than 20 parishes and the cities of Baton Rouge, Houma, and Lake Charles.

For more information, please contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at glevine@lhc.la.gov.

FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO: Overview and Project Applications


The LA BOSCOC is hosting a webinar to equip organizations to apply for new and renewal funding under the Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

Session Description

Facilitator: Gordon Levine, Louisiana Housing Corporation

Date and Time: Friday, Spetember 10, from 9:30 AM to 11 AM

Overview: this webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of the Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), which will fund approximately $23 million in housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness. This includes approximately $2 million in new project funding. Attendees will also gain valuable insight into the local competition process for new project funding, including critical information about project design, funding availability, and creating a successful application.

Target Audience: project managers, program directors, and executive staff who are involved in decisions about project design and funding applications

Who Should Attend?: any eligible organization that is interested in or considering applying for new or renewal project funding in the LA BOSCOC’s geography. “Eligible organizations” are limited to non-profit organizations, local governments and instrumentalities of local governments, Indian Tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs), and public housing agencies. Click here to view a map of the LA BOSCOC’s geography (each region in green is part of the LA BOSCOC).


Click here to register.

FY 2021 CoC Program Local Competition Now Open


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), on behalf of the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC), has opened its local competition for funding available under the Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO in August 18, 2021. The CoC Program funds eligible organizations to provide housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence.

Through its local competition, the LA BOSCOC expects to make approximately $23 million available, including approximately $2 million for new projects.

The LA BOSCOC welcomes and encourages applicants that have not previously received CoC Program funding to apply.

The LA BOSCOC will publish all information about its local competition on its website at https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition and via its email distribution list. Click here to subscribe to the LA BOSCOC’s email distribution list.

Key documents

Today, the LA BOSCOC published three key documents related to the local competition:

  • Request for Proposals (RFP)

  • Timeline and Critical Dates

  • Rating, Ranking, and Scoring Policy

All three documents can be accessed here: https://laboscoc.org/fy21-coc-program-competition

Upcoming documents

The LA BOSCOC expects to publish all remaining documents needed to successfully apply to the local competition on September 13. They include:

  • Annual Local Competition Changelog

  • New Project Scoring Tool

  • Renewal Project Scoring Tool

  • Renewal Projects Eligible to Apply

This release date is an estimate and may change.

FY 2021 CoC Program local competition webinar

LHC intends to host an informational webinar for its FY 2021 CoC Program local competition on the morning of Friday, September 10. This webinar will provide both an overview of the FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO and critical information for potential project applicants.

LHC will release registration details about this webinar in a subsequent email.

Timeline changes due to Hurricane Ida

In response to the impacts of Hurricane Ida, and as provided for in HUD’s FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO, LHC submitted an extension request for its consolidated application from HUD. The request would, among other easements, extend the deadline for new and renewal projects by approximately two weeks.

The Timeline and Critical Dates published today reflects the extension request. If HUD does not approve the extension request, LHC will publish an amended Timeline and Critical Dates.

About the LA BOSCOC

The LA BOSCOC is Louisiana’s largest coalition to end homelessness. It serves more than half of Louisiana’s geography, including more than 20 parishes and the cities of Baton Rouge, Houma, and Lake Charles.

For more information, please contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at glevine@lhc.la.gov.

LA BOSCOC Board Meeting: Monday, August 30, from 11 AM to Noon

UPDATE: the NOFO documents under discussion are linked below:


The Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC) Board, which is the LA BOSCOC’s primary governing body, will meet Monday, August 30, from 11 AM to noon.

This meeting will focus on two topics:

Coordinated Entry in the Houma Region. Insofar as there are few people experiencing literal homelessness living in the Houma Region or interested in moving to the Houma Region, and insofar as that situation is likely to continue, the Board will consider offering flexibilities to that Region’s permanent housing providers in filling project slots, including suspending the Intervention element of Coordinated Entry and creating a limited path to housing people who are at risk of homelessness.

FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO. On August 18, HUD released its Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), which will fund approximately $23 million in housing and supportive services for people experiencing homelessness in the LA BOSCOC, approximately $2 million of which will be funding for new projects. The Board will consider several key documents and mechanisms related to the LA BOSCOC’s local competition for funding.

Click here to access the agenda.

FY 2021 CoC Program - New Project Application Session


The Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC) is Louisiana’s largest coalition to end homelessness.

On August 18, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released its Funding Year (FY) 2021 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The CoC Program funds eligible organizations to provide housing and supportive services to people experiencing homelessness, including people fleeing domestic violence. Click here for more information about the FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO from HUD.

Under the FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO, the LA BOSCOC is eligible to apply for approximately $23 million. The majority of that funding will be dedicated to existing projects; however,

  • Approximately $1 million will be made available for new projects serving people experiencing literal homelessness (including people experiencing chronic homelessness);

  • Approximately $850,000 will be made available for new rapid re-housing activities serving people fleeing domestic violence (which includes but is not limited to dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking).

The LA BOSCOC expects to release its Request for Proposals (RFP) for new project applications under the FY 2021 CoC Program NOFO within the next two weeks. The LA BOSCOC, in partnership with TAC, is providing this session to equip potential applicants with the foundational knowledge they need to successfully design a new project and submit a new project application.

Session Description

Facilitator: Melany Mondello, TAC

Date and Time: Thursday, September 2, from 1 PM to 2:30 PM CST

Overview: This session is an opportunity for potential Continuum of Care (CoC) Program new project applicants to ask questions about the general CoC Program application process and how to put together a competitive CoC Program new project application.

Before the Session: Please review the CoC Program Interim Rule (the CoC Program’s core rules and regulations) and familiarize yourself with eligible activities under this funding source, as this session will not be a full review of the CoC Program Interim Rule. Click here to view the CoC Program Interim Rule.

Target Audience: Staff who will be responsible for writing CoC Program new project applications and other leadership-level staff involved in the new project creation and application process

Who Can Attend?: Any eligible organization that is interested in or considering applying for new project funding in the LA BOSCOC’s geography. “Eligible organizations” are limited to non-profit organizations, local governments and instrumentalities of local governments, Indian Tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs), and public housing agencies. Click here to view a map of the LA BOSCOC’s geography (each region in green is part of the LA BOSCOC).


Click here to register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting.


Contact Gordon Levine at glevine@lhc.la.gov with questions about the CoC Program NOFO and new project application process.

Contact Melany Mondello at mmondello@tacinc.org with technical questions about this session.