
Street Outreach and Prevention/Diversion/Intervention Training Series


The Louisiana Housing Corporation (LHC), in partnership with OrgCode Consulting, is pleased to announce a Street Outreach and Prevention/Diversion/Intervention Training Series focused on equipping case managers, outreach workers, and program managers with the practical tools to implement and conduct effective street outreach, homelessness prevention, diversion, and rapid resolution (or “intervention”).

Each session is independent; you can register for one or both. Both sessions will be presented by Erin Wixsten from OrgCode.

Each session in the series is FREE and open to any organization in Louisiana that is interested in attending.

Session #1: Homelessness Prevention, Diversion, and Rapid Resolution

When: Thursday, November 5, from 9 AM to noon CST

Where: online via webinar

Description: “Diversion is about saying “yes” to helping households navigate a safe alternative to shelter that is appropriate to their specific circumstances through an investment of staff time that have specific problem-solving skills and access to flexible resources to put the solution into action. There are nine steps to an effective diversion practice, with each step progressing more deeply into resolving the current housing crisis while concurrently determining if shelter access will be required. In this session we will examine how to best provide prevention services, implement diversion, and promote resiliency and self-sufficiency in ensuring if a person does become homeless, they do not remain homeless for long. Among the topics covered: problem-solving mindset; flexible problem solving and financial supports; maximizing resiliency; setting up where and when to conduct diversion; how to focus on rapid resolution with those that cannot be safely and appropriately diverted; and, data that matters to diversion, prevention and rapid resolution.”

How to register:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7614855105125755148


Session #2: Impactful Street Outreach

When: Thursday, November 12, from 9 AM to noon CST

Where: online via webinar

Description: “The focus of this three hour course is how to have an impact in street outreach such that people can move from being unsheltered to having a place to call home. Among the topics covered: safe and respectful engagement; understanding unsheltered homelessness; distinguishing contact driven outreach from housing-focused outreach; clarifying the role of outreach; interface with law enforcement; the service orientation for effective outreach; assessing encampments; and, measuring outreach.”

How to register:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7026058931870347788


If you have any questions, please contact Gordon Levine, Continuum of Care Manager, at glevine@lhc.la.gov.