Now Available: Technical Assistance Opportunity (FY 2020 CoC Program Funding)


The LA BOSCOC has released a Technical Assistance Opportunity (TAO) for the upcoming Funding Year 2020 (FY 2020) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition.

The CoC Program is the single largest source of funding in the Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC) for projects providing housing and services to people experiencing homelessness. Under the FY 2020 CoC Program NOFA, the LA BOSCOC expects to receive more than $20 million, including approximately $1.5 million for new projects (including expansions of existing projects).

The CoC has released this TAO to assist organizations in creating high quality project applications for the FY 2020 CoC Program NOFA, including organizations that have never applied or received CoC Program funding.

The CoC strongly encourages any organization that is considering applying for CoC Program funding to receive technical assistance through this TAO.

TAO details and how to apply

Click here to download the TAO, which includes information about funding availability, technical assistance availability, and how to apply for technical assistance.