Public Comment: Coordinated Entry Brochure



The LA BOSCOC is developed a Coordinated Entry Brochure for distribution to (1) organizations that serve people experiencing homelessness and (2) people experiencing homelessness who engage the Coordinated Entry System.

The LA BOSCOC is seeking public feedback on the brochure’s current draft before finalizing it for Coordinated Entry Committee and Board review.


The Coordinated Entry Brochure is intended to fulfill all of the following purposes:

  1. Helping people experiencing homelessness access housing and services through Coordinated Entry;

  2. Informing people who engage the Coordinated Entry System about the process — what it CAN do, what it CAN’T do, and the timing of each part of the process;

  3. Empowering organizations that work in any way with people experiencing homelessness

Accessing the brochure

Click here to download the brochure draft.

How to provide public comment

Please submit public comments by email to Aundrea Braniff, Coordinated Entry Specialist.

The LA BOSCOC is particularly interested in the perspectives of case managers and other stakeholders who work closely on a daily basis with people experiencing homelessness who can offer language and formatting suggestions to make the brochure as accessible as possible to a broad audience.

Public comments will be accepted through 4 PM on August 16, 2019.